Calendar showing multiple times on page
For some reason my calendar is showing multiple times on page
Nothing changed except update.
this is already been reported and we are currently looking into this.
Hello Bill, I have the same issue but your events page is only showing one calendar, did you fix it. Regards.
sorry the dev’s are still looking into this; alternatively, you can revert back to previous version
Snowgoose I had our team fix it with a snippet and the snippets plugin, so it would survive updates. I’m not sure how it will act if the devs fix the problem on the core plugin.
Hello Bill, thanks for this, I re-installed older version 0.9.1 and now have one calendar per page as before. Will wait for “The Developer” to fix the core problem on release 1.0.1, I guess. Thanks again Bill.
can I know the theme names you are using for us to test please?
I’m using Flexform by Swift Themes
Here’s what we used to correct it. Inside the Snippets plugin.
function footer_custom_js(){ if(is_page('events-2')){ echo "<script> var wpfc_loaded = false; var wpfc_counts = {}; jQuery(document).ready( function($){ var fullcalendar_args = { timeFormat: WPFC.timeFormat, defaultView: WPFC.defaultView, weekends: WPFC.weekends, header: { left: 'prev,next today', center: 'title', right: WPFC.header.right }, month: WPFC.month, year: WPFC.year, theme: WPFC.wpfc_theme, firstDay: WPFC.firstDay, editable: false, eventSources: [{ url : WPFC.ajaxurl, data :, ignoreTimezone: true, allDayDefault: false }], eventRender: function(event, element) { if( event.post_id > 0 && WPFC.wpfc_qtips == 1 ){ var event_data = { action : 'wpfc_qtip_content', post_id : event.post_id, event_id:event.event_id }; element.qtip({ content:{ text : 'Loading...', ajax : { url : WPFC.ajaxurl, type : \"POST\", data : event_data } }, position : { my: WPFC.wpfc_qtips_my, at: WPFC.wpfc_qtips_at }, style : { classes:WPFC.wpfc_qtips_classes } }); } }, loading: function(bool) { if (bool) { var position = $('#wpfc-calendar').position(); $('.wpfc-loading').css('left',position.left).css('top','width',$('#calendar').width()).css('height',$('#calendar').height()).show(); }else { wpfc_counts = {}; $('.wpfc-loading').hide(); } }, viewRender: function(view) { if( !wpfc_loaded ){ $('.fc-toolbar').after($('#wpfc-calendar-search').show()); //catchall selectmenu handle $.widget( \"custom.wpfc_selectmenu\", $.ui.selectmenu, { _renderItem: function( ul, item ) { var li = $( \"<li>\", { html: item.label.replace(/#([a-zA-Z0-9]{3}[a-zA-Z0-9]{3}?) - /g, '<span class=\"wpfc-cat-icon\" style=\"background-color:#$1\"></span>') } ); if ( item.disabled ) { li.addClass( \"ui-state-disabled\" ); } return li.appendTo( ul ); } }); $('select.wpfc-taxonomy').wpfc_selectmenu({ format: function(text){ //replace the color hexes with color boxes return text.replace(/#([a-zA-Z0-9]{3}[a-zA-Z0-9]{3}?) - /g, '<span class=\"wpfc-cat-icon\" style=\"background-color:#$1\"></span>'); }, select: function( event, ui ){ var calendar = $('#wpfc-calendar'); menu_name = $(this).attr('name'); $( '#' + menu_name + '-button .ui-selectmenu-text' ).html( ui.item.label.replace(/#([a-zA-Z0-9]{3}[a-zA-Z0-9]{3}?) - /g, '<span class=\"wpfc-cat-icon\" style=\"background-color:#$1\"></span>') );[menu_name] = ui.item.value; calendar.fullCalendar('removeEventSource', WPFC.ajaxurl); calendar.fullCalendar('addEventSource', {url : WPFC.ajaxurl, allDayDefault:false, ignoreTimezone: true, data :}); } }) } wpfc_loaded = true; } }; if( WPFC.wpfc_locale ){ $.extend(fullcalendar_args, WPFC.wpfc_locale); } $(document).trigger('wpfc_fullcalendar_args', [fullcalendar_args]); $('.wpfc-calendar-wrapper ').not(':first').remove(); $('.wpfc-calendar-wrapper #wpfc-calendar').fullCalendar(fullcalendar_args); }); </script>"; } } add_action('wp_footer', 'footer_custom_js');
thanks, we will going to test this theme and inform the devs about this.
Hi All,
Firstly, I’m very sorry for the delayed reply on this issue.
I’ve been looking into this and I don’t think it’s a bug per-se, rather a setup issue.
The change in code is to exactly allow what you’re experiencing, the ability to add more than one calendar to a page, previously you couldn’t.
What must be happening in your cases is that you’re outputting the HTML to create two calendars on the page.
I have been able to reproduce this in one way, which is using Events Manager:
- you go tot eh events page and add
and also keep the word CONTENTS in there. - On Events > Settings > General > Full Calendar Settings and set ‘Override calendar on events page’ to YES
- On Events > Settings > Pages > Event List/Archives > Set ‘Display calendar in events page’ to YES
If you don’t think this is the case, please provide a link. However, I’d ask that you try testing it out with other plugins disabled and using the default WP theme. My other suspicion would be that your theme or another plugin is outputting content twice or similar.
I’m watching this topic so I should get an email when someone replies and will get back to you much much quicker ??
Bill (@bizpower),
I took a look at your site as well, and whilst I’m not sure what’s causing it, I see this HTML three times, which is the problem, not the JS. My guess is in your case it’s theme related, or if not a plugin.
<div class="wpfc-calendar-wrapper" id="wpfc-calendar-wrapper"><form class="wpfc-calendar" id="wpfc-calendar"></form><div class="wpfc-loading"></div></div>
- you go tot eh events page and add
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