Looking at my logs I have hundreds (probably thousands) of error messages generated by this Time.ly plugin about invalid character(s) in the database records for the events. They may be just one bad record creating all the messages, I don’t know.
I have now switched to The Events Calendar by Modern Tribe. It is a bit simpler than Time.ly but it will work for me. There may be better alternatives but I have not looked at any other event plugins as I use Modern Tribe on another website and it has been OK.
I found I had to recreate all the remaining entries for my events, so I went through each event under Time.ly, selected and copied the text, pasting this into a word document, new page per event. After removing Time.ly and installing Modern Tribe I then recreated each event in Modern Tribe using copy and paste back.
This worked for the 12 events I had to recreate. Any imbedded images were still in the media library so could be quickly put back in to the appropriate event.
There may have been a better way using some sort of Export and Import but it was quicker for me to do it my way for the few events rather than investigate and test an export and import feature that I was unfamiliar with.
It is a shame that Time.ly is no longer working for me as it has been good in the past. The problem may not lie with Time.ly as perhaps it is some other problem/bad plug-in that conflicts with it, I wouldn’t know. Time.ly has been provided free to use for my small website so I can’t complain. Thank you Time.ly for your plug-in whilst I could use it, it has been appreciated.