• I made a fork of Video Importer plugin and I noticed that all posts that the plugin saves in my WordPress installation by cron does not generate a YOURLS shortlink.

    Please, how can I call YOURLS plugin to be generated in each post saved by my plugin?

    The function that saves the post by Video Import is:

    function import_video( $video_array ) {
    		remove_filter('content_save_pre', 'wp_filter_post_kses');
    		remove_filter('content_filtered_save_pre', 'wp_filter_post_kses');
    		$post = $this->build_post_array( $video_array );
    		$post_id = wp_insert_post( $post );
    		wp_set_post_terms( $post_id, $this->import_options['categories'], 'category' );
    		$this->set_post_meta( $post_id, $video_array );
    		do_action( 'refactored_video_importer/single_video_imported', $post_id, $this->provider->slug, $video_array, $this->id, $this->import_options );
    		add_filter('content_save_pre', 'wp_filter_post_kses');
    		add_filter('content_filtered_save_pre', 'wp_filter_post_kses');
    		return $post_id;

    Thanks a lot and regards


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