• Hello there. I’ve just been racking my brain over this one so I hope someone would kindly help me out if possible.

    Our site is quite broken right now – it’s only showing this error “Fatal error: Call-time pass-by-reference has been removed in public_html/wp-content/themes/agency/library/init.php on line 31.” I am not able to sign in or anything. This occurred when I attempted to update the Agency WordPress theme.

    While trying to research an answer, I came across tons of people having this similar error. Most people were able to fix it by removing & out of said line of code in said php file of the error (in my case it would be line 31 of init.php). This unfortunately did not work for me.

    I also tried renaming the Agency theme folder to see if WordPress would load up a different default theme. It did not. I got the same error. I also tried deleting the theme folder via FTP. Even though it was deleted, I still got the same error.

    I also tried disabling plugins by renaming the plugin folder. No luck there either.

    What could it be that I am missing here? Do I need to delete the theme folder from cPanel perhaps? I am incredibly boggled by how I seem to get the same error from a theme folder that doesn’t exist (after I deleted the folder).

    I would greatly appreciate any assistance with this error.

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