Please, people, you’re getting upset over having to push the shift key in combination with one letter, the same action which you typically use to start a sentence. This is ridiculous! We, the documentation team and documentations contributers, would appreciate that you extend the extra effort to enter your name with a capital letter. This is only a small request, but I suppose that you could be the one in charge of deleting and reverting the 50+ entries that get spam-slammed without the “You have not specified a valid user name. A valid name must start with a Capital letter” requirement. So, please, extend the extra effort and push the shift key. We’re not asking for much. But, if you’d like, I’m sure we could implement a new login system which requires your name, address, phone number, social security number, and credit card number. Honestly, just push the shift key, once. Jennapfister, you pressed the shift key four times in your last post. So, it’s obviously not too much of a hassle for you. We, the documentation team and documentations contributers, would appreciate that you extend the extra effort to enter your name with a capital letter.