I added this code to my plugin to handle this (source : https://github.com/AdvancedCustomFields/acf/blob/master/includes/fields.php) :
if (!function_exists('acf_get_pro_field_types')) {
function acf_get_pro_field_types()
return array(
'clone' => array(
'name' => 'clone',
'label' => _x('Clone', 'noun', 'acf'),
'doc_url' => acf_add_url_utm_tags('https://www.advancedcustomfields.com/resources/clone/', 'docs', 'field-type-selection'),
'preview_image' => acf_get_url() . '/assets/images/field-type-previews/field-preview-clone.png',
'description' => __('This allows you to select and display existing fields. It does not duplicate any fields in the database, but loads and displays the selected fields at run-time. The Clone field can either replace itself with the selected fields or display the selected fields as a group of subfields.', 'acf'),
'tutorial_url' => acf_add_url_utm_tags('https://www.advancedcustomfields.com/resources/how-to-use-the-clone-field/', 'docs', 'field-type-selection'),
'category' => 'layout',
'pro' => true,
'flexible_content' => array(
'name' => 'flexible_content',
'label' => __('Flexible Content', 'acf'),
'doc_url' => acf_add_url_utm_tags('https://www.advancedcustomfields.com/resources/flexible-content/', 'docs', 'field-type-selection'),
'preview_image' => acf_get_url() . '/assets/images/field-type-previews/field-preview-flexible-content.png',
'description' => __('This provides a simple, structured, layout-based editor. The Flexible Content field allows you to define, create and manage content with total control by using layouts and subfields to design the available blocks.', 'acf'),
'tutorial_url' => acf_add_url_utm_tags('https://www.advancedcustomfields.com/resources/building-layouts-with-the-flexible-content-field-in-a-theme/', 'docs', 'field-type-selection'),
'category' => 'layout',
'pro' => true,
'gallery' => array(
'name' => 'gallery',
'label' => __('Gallery', 'acf'),
'doc_url' => acf_add_url_utm_tags('https://www.advancedcustomfields.com/resources/gallery/', 'docs', 'field-type-selection'),
'preview_image' => acf_get_url() . '/assets/images/field-type-previews/field-preview-gallery.png',
'description' => __('This provides an interactive interface for managing a collection of attachments. Most settings are similar to the Image field type. Additional settings allow you to specify where new attachments are added in the gallery and the minimum/maximum number of attachments allowed.', 'acf'),
'tutorial_url' => acf_add_url_utm_tags('https://www.advancedcustomfields.com/resources/how-to-use-the-gallery-field/', 'docs', 'field-type-selection'),
'category' => 'content',
'pro' => true,
'repeater' => array(
'name' => 'repeater',
'label' => __('Repeater', 'acf'),
'doc_url' => acf_add_url_utm_tags('https://www.advancedcustomfields.com/resources/repeater/', 'docs', 'field-type-selection'),
'preview_image' => acf_get_url() . '/assets/images/field-type-previews/field-preview-repeater.png',
'description' => __('This provides a solution for repeating content such as slides, team members, and call-to-action tiles, by acting as a parent to a set of subfields which can be repeated again and again.', 'acf'),
'tutorial_url' => acf_add_url_utm_tags('https://www.advancedcustomfields.com/resources/repeater/how-to-use-the-repeater-field/', 'docs', 'field-type-selection'),
'category' => 'layout',
'pro' => true,