• Hi folks, need you invaluable help yet again!

    I’m integrating a custom script from my company into the wordpress website I’m building. This script works with a separate MySQL database, meaning I have to make queries from withing these files, which are located at the root of WP – not a custom page inside the theme folder.

    I’m using the <?php require(wp-load.php); ?> to enable me to use general WP tags, and all works fine, except when I need to do the following:

    for($count=0;$count<$linhastotal;$count++){				$sql1=mysql_query("select * from nokiacare where IMEI='$variavel[$count]' order by data_entrada");								$num=mysql_num_rows($sql1);						$registo=mysql_fetch_row($sql1);

    followed by some html output.

    This is being done after wp-load.php is called into the file, so I assume that my query is being compromised because it’s not using the standard WPDB structure. How can i work this out? Can anyone help me out building this query in WPDB “terms”?

    Thanks a million to anyone who’s able to help! ??

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