• Resolved atomicmak



    I Would love to fetch few EXIF details and dispaly underneath image.

    What would be the settings to be made ?
    My all images have Attachment Metadata from image as sample given in which it does not trap all data in all images even I have all images with everything intact include lots of IPTC content into it.

    'image_meta' =>
      array (
        'aperture' => 5.5999999999999996447286321199499070644378662109375,
        'credit' => 'www.WildArt.in',
        'camera' => '',
        'caption' => 'Lesser Florican (Sypheotides indicus) Shokaliya, Rajasthan, INDIA',
        'created_timestamp' => 1376674257,
        'copyright' => '(C) {WildArt.in}, All Rights Reserved.',
        'focal_length' => '700',
        'iso' => '1000',
        'shutter_speed' => '0.0005',
        'title' => 'Lesser Florican',
        'orientation' => 1,

    Wanted to fetch the data in all images and display.

    Camera Model :
    Focal Length :
    Aperture :
    Shutter Speed :
    ISO :
    Metering Mode :
    Exposure Bias :
    Date Taken :
    Copyright/Credit :

    Can someone guide the trick to fetch all exif in all attachments I’ve in media library so I can fetch them and dispaly on each attachment page?

    Thanks in Advance.


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  • Plugin Author David Lingren


    Thanks for your updates and the good news that the Development Version has solved your mapping rules issues.

    Thank you as well for your selection of “Option 3 and Option 4”, and your reference to the Exifography v1.1.3.8, by kristarella plugin. Replacing the Exifography display with an MLA-based equivalent in your image.php template is a clear and practical solution.

    I will work out a solution and post it here. As I understand it, the solution will have the following elements:

    1. Create a set of IPTC/EXIF mapping rules to copy the best EXIF meta data into the image_meta array. This will be based on my earlier analysis of the information available in your images.
    2. Create an MLA Markup Template to display the image_meta elements in a bullet list, along the lines of the Exifography display.
    3. Enhance the format of the image_meta elements such as shutter_speed and created_timestamp. This will use the hooks provided by the [mla_gallery] shortcode.
    4. Add a do_shortcode() statement to your image.php template to execute an [mla_gallery] shortcode that displays the information.

    For the final two steps it would be very helpful to know a bit more about your theme and whether you are using a child theme. The best way to apply the updates to your site would be to add the PHP code to functions.php and image.php or attachment.php in a child theme. If you can tell me your current theme/child theme and send me the relevant theme files I can be more helpful.

    You can give me your contact information and I will respond with an address where you can e-mail the files to me. You can use the Contact Us page at our web site:

    Fair Trade Judaica/Contact Us

    Thanks for your patience and any additional information you can provide.

    Thread Starter atomicmak


    Thanks a lot David,
    Email sent awaiting ur reply so can send zip of theme.

    Thread Starter atomicmak


    Hey David,
    Any suggestions on mapping by any chance ?
    sorry for a bit of prompting.

    Plugin Author David Lingren


    Thank you for working with me by e-mail to develop some MLA enhancements for improved access to EXIF camera data such as shutter speed and lens make/model. I have uploaded a new Development Version with several new field-level EXIF Camera details that support your application. New field-level “format” values have avoided the need to use shortcode hooks to improve the values for display.

    As part of our work we developed a new “exifography” MLA Gallery template that displays the enhanced data available for an image. This template has the following parts:


    <ul id='[+selector+]' class='gallery galleryid-[+id+] gallery-columns-[+columns+] gallery-size-[+size_class+]' style="list-style:none; font-size:14px">

    Row open: (leave blank)


    [+template:(<li>Aperture: f/[+meta:image_meta.aperture+]</li>)+]
    [+template:(<li>Credit: [+meta:image_meta.credit+]</li>)+]
    [+template:(<li>Camera: [+meta:image_meta.camera+]</li>)+]
    [+template:(<li>Caption: [+meta:image_meta.caption+]</li>)+]
    [+template:(<li>Created: [+meta:image_meta.created_timestamp,timestamp+]</li>)+]
    [+template:(<li>Taken: [+meta:image_meta.created_timestamp,timestamp('j F, Y')+]</li>)+]
    [+template:(<li>Time: [+meta:image_meta.created_timestamp,timestamp(H:I:s)+]</li>)+]
    [+template:(<li>Copyright: [+meta:image_meta.copyright+]</li>)+]
    [+template:(<li>Exposure Bias: [+exif:CAMERA.ExposureBiasValue+] EV</li>)+]
    [+template:(<li>Flash: [+exif:CAMERA.Flash+]</li>)+]
    [+template:(<li>Focal Length: [+exif:CAMERA.FocalLength+]mm</li>)+]
    [+template:(<li>ISO: [+meta:image_meta.iso+]</li>)+]
    [+template:(<li>Shutter Speed: [+exif:CAMERA.ShutterSpeed+]s</li>)+]
    [+template:(<li>Body Serial Number: [+exif:CAMERA.BodySerialNumber+]</li>)+]
    [+template:(<li>Lens Min Focal Length: [+exif:CAMERA.LensMinFocalLength+]mm</li>)+]
    [+template:(<li>Lens Max Focal Length: [+exif:CAMERA.LensMaxFocalLength+]mm</li>)+]
    [+template:(<li>Lens Min Focal Length FN: [+exif:CAMERA.LensMinFocalLengthFN+]s</li>)+]
    [+template:(<li>Lens Max Focal Length FN: [+exif:CAMERA.LensMaxFocalLengthFN+]s</li>)+]
    [+template:(<li>Lens Make: [+exif:CAMERA.LensMake+]</li>)+]
    [+template:(<li>Lens Model: [+exif:CAMERA.LensModel+]</li>)+]
    [+template:(<li>Lens Serial Number: [+exif:CAMERA.LensSerialNumber+]</li>)+]
    [+template:(<li>Title: [+meta:image_meta.title+]</li>)+]

    Row close: (leave blank)



    Displaying the information in an [mla_gallery] shortcode is as simple as naming the new template:

    [mla-gallery post_parent=all mla_markup=exifography]

    I will mark this topic resolved when the new values become available in my next MLA version. Please update this topic if you have any problems or further questions regarding the enhanced EXIF information or the template that displays it. Thank you for working with me on this MLA enhancement.

    Plugin Author David Lingren


    I have released MLA version 2.02, which contains the new CAMERA values.

    I am marking this topic resolved, but please update it if you have any problems or further questions regarding the new data. Thanks for inspiring an improvement in the plugin and for working with me to make it useful.

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