• I was wondering for my wordpress blog/website is it possible to create a rectangle on the home/gallery page say made up of a grid of images say 12 across and 8 high all proportional though, I suppose it would resemble a collage when viewed.
    It would be nice to know if I can assign a hyperlink for each individual image in the collage to a larger file/page. An example can be found here – https://www.hmdigiart.com/ (but this is only in test stages so far.)
    Reason I am asking is that I need to build myself a wordpres blog/website that will allow me to show images/galleries and eventually video relating to my art.
    I am sure it can be done but not exactly sure how.

    Any help or advice would be very welcome.

    PS please considerer that I am relatively new to this although very eager.



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