• Resolved todga



    Can Dokan be used to create ecommerce marketplace for transport companies?


    Assume you have bus transportation companies A,B,C,D,E,F,G.

    And you want to create bus transportation booking website where visitors can book for buses from any of the above.

    Visitor can compare transport fares and book.

    Visitor can go and book directly from any transport company without comparing fares.

    Visitor can search for buses or cars etc.

    Other features include buy ticket, charger, one wat, return, number of passengers, from, to, departure date, return date, book accommodation, etc.


    • This topic was modified 4 months ago by todga.
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  • Plugin Support Yeasin Arafat


    Hi todga,

    Unfortunately, the features you described, such as creating a transport booking marketplace with fare comparisons, advanced search and filter options, and booking functionalities for tickets and accommodations, are not supported by the Dokan plugin.


    Plugin Support Tanvir Hasan


    Hi @todga

    As we haven’t heard back from you for a while, we’ll consider this topic resolved. If you encounter any further issues, please don’t hesitate to open a new topic.


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