• I am trying to create a dropdown (let’s call it option_A_select) that calculates a value based on a formula, like so (where input_A is simple input field):

    Dropdown 1: 0
    Dropdown 2: input_A * 1.25
    Dropdown 3: (input_A * 1.5) + 30
    Dropdown 4: (input_A * 1.75) + 50

    I am then attempting to take the selected value and use it for the final output calculation which will be: option_A_select + (input_B * 2) + (input_C * 2) + option_B_select

    If I substitue the formula in option_A_select with a number, I get an output, but as soon as I try to use a formula, all I get is #VALUE!

    Am I doing something wrong? Or does the plugin not have the ability to is formulas as dropdown values?


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  • I tried doing what you describe, and it didn’t work for me either. I don’t think the dropdowns support formulas.

    I think a big problem with this form is that the dropdown options don’t have IDs, which would make a lot more things possible.

    Any solutions ?

    i am just a member but i found out how to do this… visit my website https://itechjungle.com/services and see it in function. i will explain using how my website is showing so that you can easily see my website and understand what am talking about.

    to do this you first add the drop down elements.
    – then create the default titles. eg USD, GBP, Testing..
    -then put a value for the default titles. eg for USD=1, GBP=2, Testing=3.
    -then use the output to create your calculations. put all the necessary output that you require.
    -then on the element that you want to show when someonone selects the drop down, you get the id of that element.
    -then you create another output element which will now be the element that will be viewed on your website.On my website mine is labelled “amount you receive….”
    -then you need to employ simple microsoft excel skills. to have the dropdown appear like a formular do this… this is now where everything matters.
    -in the output element that you created you need to use the if function. the formula would appear something like this

    and if function is like this
    IF(Condition, value if condition is true, value if condition is false)

    in the calculator it would be like this now..
    IF(element_4_9=1, element_4_2, IF(element_4_9=2,element_10, IF(element_4_9_=3,element_15,0)))

    -element_4_9 represents the dropdown element.
    -the numbers that element_4_9 is equals to rep the drop down titles ie USD, GBP and Testing…
    -the other element id represent my output elements that have their formulars.

    i’l explain what the if formular means.
    so the IF formular basically means that if element4_9 that is equals 1(the USD dropdown), then it should bring the value found in element_4_2. the next IF means that if element 4_9 that is equals to 2 (the GBP dropdown), then it should bring the value found in the element_10.
    -the last IF that you want to put must be complete. ie
    element_4_9_=3 (the testing.. dropdown), then it should bring element_15 if the field is blank then it brings 0.

    – the brackets at the end represent all the IF function in the equation.

    visit my site https://itechjungle.com/service and see the calc in operational.

    i hope it helps..

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