Can I changed grouped product price to display highest price?
Hi there. I would be grateful if anyone can answer the following question:
Is t possible to change the price on the grouped items’ display page to indicate the highest price in the group, rather than the lowest price? I can’t find a setting that addresses this issue, and suspect that I need to purchase the “Bundled Products” add-on to solve this, but I just wanted to make sure I’m not overlooking something obvious.
I am selling a set of sheet music via pdf download. Customers can buy the score and parts ($20), or just individual parts ($5 each). I want the grouped product page to display the price for the whole set ($20), rather than the lowest price “from $5”, which is the cost of only one part.
Any thoughts on the best way to set up this product? Will Bundled Products solve the problem and is it worth the $49?
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