Hello, @kalapit22
At the moment, we don’t have any chart available that could take more than one String/Date Type column.
You can only try to improvise with workarounds, for example if you have one String and one “Year” columns that you need for the chart,
in this case you can make “Year” column as integer, and the charts can allow you to have both at the same time for one chart.
If you wish to see the ability to have more than one Sting/Date type column in a chart,
please feel free to search on our suggestions page (https://features.wpdatatables.com/),
to see if someone may be already suggested this feature. If you can’t see it, feel free to add your suggestion there, and as more people vote, the feature will move higher on the priority list.
You can certainly follow our changeLog if you’d like(https://www.ads-software.com/plugins/wpdatatables/#developers), where we state any changes/new features/bug fixes during updates;
and our newsletter(https://wpdatatables.com/newsletter/), so you’re informed about new features, bug fixes, freebies, etc.