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  • This is your css for the img class logo and the adjustment needed. You are styling the div probably. Just stick with .logo.
    .logo {
    margin-left: 28px;
    margin-top: [THIS IS WHERE WE NEED A VALUE!]px;
    padding-top:;[NO NEED FOR PADDING AT ALL!]

    Thread Starter ayteale


    thats what I have, and its not working….am i missing something in the index? like the div you are talking about?

    There is something odd about the line up. You have a content div in the index but it is not styled. Here is a really cool trick. Add brightly colored borders to all the divs involved and the image. Then we can see what the heck is where. This is a pro’s hack and is very useful at this stage. When we are lined up we can delete them.

    Thread Starter ayteale


    Ok, my noobieness has totally gotten me lost with your last post…also what is a good bright color?…do i do this in the css, and just like border: 3px #whatever; ?????

    Yup. In the css adjust #div whatever by including {border: 2px solid red;}
    Put a border on each of the effected parts using say blue red and green.

    Thread Starter ayteale


    I didnt do everything but hopefully this will do it……

    Thread Starter ayteale


    i think i understand now….

    Thread Starter ayteale


    well, i thought i did…..i just dont see why now?

    Thread Starter ayteale


    when i put a blue border on “a img{” it showed up around the logo, but it went to green when i put a green one on the .logo{

    Thread Starter ayteale


    well, im dead tired, i saved a copy of the css with borders but i had to take them off for the night….i just cant figure it out….i dont think i put in the logo in the right place in the index.php
    Thanks root…good night

    We lost communication. My ISP suddenly went into their increasingly frequent maintenance routine and we were disconnected. A tough night for you I know and you are gainingg in confidence and control of the css. But here is the thing. The logo,and the h2 are now in two different divs, one above the other. The logo is in logo and the h2 in content. Hence the image won’t push down. The default behavior for rendering a new div is to go down and left. So what you need to do is lift the h2 text up into the new logo div above. Do not style it as h2. Just put it in as the text you want. An h2 would also break to a new line but plain text will flow to the right of the image. Then you can adjust for formatting and position. You might prefer to move to email. I am at blog at I will be offline for eleven hours fron now. Talk to you soon.

    Thread Starter ayteale


    Yup, that was hard but very educational, thanks for all your help.
    I got the text into the logo now, i just cant figure out how to push it over to the right, I have tried a lot of things and I just can’t figure it out. The only thing i could think of now is to put in an image to act as a spacer to puch the text over….what do you think? (although I know it is not “right” ??

    Wow. Now you really are right on the money. You have set a class of textnav I think and styled it in the css. Brilliant. All you need to do now is increase the
    margin-left and it should push it across. Fingers crossed. Fabulous job. I admire your perseverance. For my part I wish I had been a bit more concise and maybe focussed earlier on but now we seem to be there. Drop by my blog if you have a minute. As always – a work in progress. Good luck. And welcome to Word Press ??

    Heck are you still going at this ? ?? Last time I looked it was fine and just needed a bit of tuning. Everything was in the right place (code wise) , you only needed to increase the margin you had already allocated in the CSS to the required value. Alternatively you can add a class to the img src tag and style that with a margin-right to push the text away. HTH

    Thread Starter ayteale


    Ahhhh Root, you give me too much credit!….I told you this was new to me ?? Well, nothing worked (including increasing the margin) untill I did your last suggestion :
    “Alternatively you can add a class to the img src tag and style that with a margin-right to push the text away”
    so I am almost done! I did sit around thismorning and now my code is xhtml compliant and same with my css!!!!!! Thats pretty cool.
    Thanks again!

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