• Hi Everyone !
    Ive been checking out wordpress for the past few days sizing up its capabilities to perform what i want it to. It looks really cool, and i think im convinced but before i start my designs and start investing major amounts of time, i was wondering if somebody could tell me if this is possible to achive with wordpress.
    I want to use WordPress on my site to perform 2 different things… on my homepage, i will have my normal blog, no problems there. However i want to have a special category called “portfolio” to store my works but obviously i want them to look completely different to a normal text blog entry. Is it possible to have separate template designs for separate categories of blog ? If so how ?. I noticed in MT when i looked at that, you can add/remove templates etc, but in wordpress, it seams you can only use one set. I would also like the name of this special category to be displayed separately from the other categories on the homepage ? Is this possible ?
    Next one, is it possable to have like a custom field inside a blog entry. For example. Every one of my posts in my special category will contain an image… however i would like this image to appear in a completely separate part of the page to the body text of the blog content.
    am i asking to much here ?
    Anyone have any idea ??

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  • The long answer to your questions is yes. No problems. Many of the answers will be found on this forum or in the Wiki. Welcome (tentatively) to Word Press.

    Thread Starter mattwebb


    Cool… thats exactly what i wanted to hear ! ??
    But does anyone have a small clue that is a little more specific ? a post, a topic, a document, where i can get started ?

    1) Seperately Styled Category
    Yes, it can be done, but I’ve no idea what’s involved. Several MT converts have proposed various solutions.
    2) Category listed seperately on main page
    Yes, it can be done. wp_list_cats(exclude=SecretSauce).
    3) Custom Fields
    Yes, Post Meta Data is what you want.

    The question of how to do something is different from the question as to whether it can be done. Might I respectfully suggest that you get started straight away with a WP install.Then make a list of what you want. Then start the research. Then start posting here with a url. Ideally with one question per post and a good clear question title. If you follow these basic guidelines it is almost guaranteed you will receive almost unlimited, high quality tech support from guys who know.
    That support will consist of referrals to other references where appropriate. But it is much easier to deal with a specific question about a live install, than to answer in general terms. Good luck.

    Thread Starter mattwebb


    Champions ! cheers for the advice fellas. I am going to get started right away !

    Thread Starter mattwebb


    mmm, 2 different installs seams like a bit of a heavy handed option. That means two different admin areas too. Surely there is a way to have separate templates for categories.
    After doing a bit of “lurking around” ?? my confidence is growing that i will be able to find the solution’s i need with wordpress. So i have installed it and started my project.
    You havnt see the last of me ??

    Root said:
    I am a bit worried about this. You have absolute freedom to style all templates.
    What I meant was that obviously, he wants his blog template one way and his portfolio template another way. There’s only one index.php, and I don’t claim to understand PHP, but if index.php is what drives that particular install of WP, then another install (and WP is very lean, so it’s not like it’s going to hog server space) would allow him to do what he wanted with that second (portfolio) page. That was all I meant. I didn’t mean to imply anything but that.
    Joni ??

    jonimueller — ah, but ve have vays of making it verk! It is possible to change the css that is loaded based upon the category being viewed.
    And it isn’t all the difficult. In order for it to work, you will need to know the category ID number (which can be found from the “Categories” page in the admin area.
    Open index.php. Find the line that looks like this:
    @import url( <?php echo get_settings(‘siteurl’); ?>/wp-style/book/style.css);
    change it to:

    @import url( <?php
    if ($cat == "XXX") {
    echo "path and file to alternate CSS";
    echo get_settings('siteurl');

    Be sure to change XXX to the number of the cat you want to have a different look for.

    Sorry. Techgnome explained it rather more comprehensively than I did. Thanks Tech.

    Techgnome – that’s EXACTLY what I’m looking for! I’ve got one main blog and 7 sub-blogs off it – the sub-blogs are like categories. One for recipes, one for riddles, one for hacks and code bits, one for NaNoWriMo, etc. I have each of these set up as separate blogs in MT because that was the only way I knew to make the sites look completely different from my main site. (They used to look different – they don’t look different now because I quit reinstalling MT 3.0 right in the middle this past weekend and switched to WP. Smartest thing I ever did.)
    I read on here somewhere I can exclude certain cats from appearing on the main page, and so combined with the separate style sheets for each cat, that makes the multiple blog option I was looking for. And it makes it way easier than MT because even though you could access all your blogs from one main page, it’s still a completely separate interface in order to post to each one. If I wanted to post to my main site I’d have to go in there and do it, and then if I wanted to post a recipe I’d have to go up out of the main blog and down into the recipe blog. Tedious.
    I’ve got a couple questions:
    1. With your code above and the if-else statement, I’m assuming I can extend that and make as many different stylesheets for as many different categories as I want? I can go if—else if—else if—else, right?
    2. Is there a way, with the levels of access for my users, to set it up so like User#3 can only post to Category#1?
    3. Is there a way to set up the category page so that it would only show like the last 5 entries to that category? And then have the full listing of everything in that category somewhere else? Either that or I guess paginate would work for that also.
    Man, this is awesome. ??

    OOOH, see, maybe one of you can help ME ??
    My question is “How do I set up the URLs to just show a specific category of LINKS?” ??

    Well it certainly is awesome and the support some of the php guys here dish out is unbelieveable. Even I am beginning to understand it. ??

    @anon : https://wiki.www.ads-software.com/wp_get_links is the long and short of it ??

    OMG, I LOVE YOU! THANK YOU!!!!! *mwah* *mwah*

    That is fabulous! I cannot believe this! Now I’m off to do some category-specific template-tweaking (or CSTT to the acronym-happy amongst us!) Woot!
    You know, I learn some little code snippet just about every time I come in here!! You guys are great! No wonder there’s so little grumbling about WP!
    Joni ??

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