Hello @genesistoxical,
Thank you for reaching out,
We cannot provide support for custom code, but we’d be happy to explain how you can customize the theme. In this case, you can’t edit that template in the function.php; so you must copy that file in the exact path in the child theme and edit the template in the child theme.
You can copy the metafile from the partials folder in the child theme following the same path and then make the necessary changes.
For more information about that, please follow the steps below:
By using FTP or cPanel access (if didn’t use the localhost), Go to this directory:
Find your template which you want to customize and copy that template file(in your case, for example, you need to change the date on the blog page, so you need to use the blog template(s): https://i.postimg.cc/brv9gn9s/image.png).
Then head over to the same path on the child theme. There isn’t an entry folder as a default on your child theme, so you need to create a new one(one time).
Example: If you want to change the HTML tags structure in the single blog post featured image for standard post format, all you need in this step is the following:
1. Head over to your WP root > wp-content > themes > oceanwp > partials> single > media path.
2. Then, find the “blog-single.php” file and copy this file.
3. After that, go back to the themes folder (wp root > wp-content > themes) and go to the oceanwp-child-theme-master folder.
4. Create a new folder with the “partials” name in the child theme.
5. Go to the /partials/ folder and create a new folder with the “single” name.
6. Go to the /single/ folder and create a new folder with the “media” name.
7. Go to the /media/ folder and paste the “blog-single.php” file here.
* Please check this screenshot: https://i.postimg.cc/sxjYTWyt/image.png.
* Download child theme: https://docs.oceanwp.org/article/90-sample-child-theme.
* Developer docs: https://docs.oceanwp.org/collection/19-developer-doc.
Note: It’s working with the /woocommerce/ folder or root of the theme files.
I hope it helps.
Best Regards