Can I get some Constructive Critic?
Hello thanks for looking in….I want some constructive critic and suggestions. Not just criticism without a suggestion please my site is here
I don’t understand the relevance of the animated .gif and the background image of film.
Is there anything in particular you want reviewing that you’ve created? Reviews towards your theme will benefit the theme’s developers instead, if not created by you.
I thought this was an area for website critic not Theme critic. There were others doing the same as I did.
What animated Gif are you referring to? The one on the Blog with an ad? The background is the only thing I could find that would convey filming albeit digital is what I use and not ‘old school film….The globe animated gif in the sidebar.
Without customisation of themes, I can only critique your content and I don’t think this is worthwhile.Thank you. The Gif has writing on it.
A couple of suggestions:
– A logo and/or nicer title and tag line design rather than just the text would make it look more professional
– Some of your images are quite low res (header image, social icons etc). Higher res images would improve the look.
– It has a blog style design which may not be the most suitable for your type of website. Maybe consider a more professional looking business style theme?All the best
Thanks PremiumWP I will look into that as soon as I get my PHP.ini handled.
The Low res is for faster load. I usually decrease quality to 60% before saving and uploading. Kind of a double edged sword there.Which Browser are looking through? I am looking at it with a Toshiba Laptop HD 1900×700 res through FireFox and it comes out Ok on this end? Are the pics pixilated on your end?
Firefox with 1900×1200 display. Reducing the resolution of pics in posts etc is probably not really a problem, but a low quality (not pixelated but rather burry / not sharp) main header image doesn’t look at great. Your hand made social icons are a bit pixelated, but may be redundant anyway as you have other icons there.
Premiumwp I appreciate your time and input. I actually took your logo advice and am running a contest on 99 designs right now for a logo to be designed. I just bought Adobe CS6 so I should be able to redoux that header.I made that real quick in Gimp and went back in forth from Gimp and Photoscape. However it does look ok on my end. Maybe it is your stellar gaming monitor? Thanks again. Constructive Critic is always appreciated, especially when one asks for it.
You might want to use more high res image and a better theme. Your website just doesn’t give a nice impression to the visitors.
Use loseless image compressing if you care about your website performance.In fact, even your website’s appearance “appear” to be more than 5 years old and minimal …… You website performance is no better than a website with all those eye candies. Check your site with Google Page Speed and Y!Slow …… you’ll know what I mean
Sniper Kitten,
Please elaborate on better theme, or give some examples of website themes you might be referring to.
@sniper Kitten or who may know?
I used the tool you recommended and got a 78% load speed with a high priority suggestion such as Gzip. I would like to ‘attempt’ to install on my Network Solution Server. Apache I think it is…. I found this article and code, yet I am unsure of the specific path??
*I am not sure if this file is a text file inside the htaccess folder or it’s own folder inside the htaccess folder. Or do I just paste this code inside the current file?
If you know please advise.
How to add compression to your website.
In Apache, enabling output compression is fairly straightforward.
*Add the following to your .htaccess file:
# compress text, html, javascript, css, xml:
AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE text/plain
AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE text/html
AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE text/xml
AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE text/css
AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE application/xml
AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE application/xhtml+xml
AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE application/rss+xml
AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE application/javascript
AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE application/x-javascript# Or, compress certain file types by extension:
<files *.html>
SetOutputFilter DEFLATE
</files>Thanks for your constructive input.
I’m a newbie at this, but I think that the fonts above the film strip at the top look like they need much higher resolution. Maybe even a better font. Does not set a professional look.
Thanks for your input that font was created with Gimp. It is supposed to be Chrome. However I can understand how it may look as though some of the font was faded or lost. The image was HD and the Font was done in an editor so, I must have lost the resolution in the shrinking of it or saving it with low res, to save space and load faster. I appreciate all constructive critic, even from a newbie..
I selected a new Theme and will be updating this week. My new Logo contest is almost complete. I will take resolution into consideration when saving for final upload.
NetcomP.s anyone know how to install that htaccess code??
.htaccess is not a folder …… It’s a file that overwrite your server’s configuration on the directory (and it’s subcategory) which it’s located.
For WordPress, it’s located inside the root directory of the WordPress installation. If you can’t find it, it’s probably hidden and you need to change your setting in your file manager to show hidden files.
Do you check for “gzipcompression” in Set it to 1 if it isn’t (which mean “true”)
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