• I would like to make a couple minor changes to the Taste template.

    1. I would like the header (the large photo that you add) to ONLY show up on the Main front page.

    2. I would like NO side bar. in other words, use the whole 900 pixels for the content

    Can anyone help me with these mods?


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  • The construction of this theme is a bit odd – different from most I have come across. I have a solution for your problems but it is a bit makeshift. I might well figure out some other method later on. I have only today installed this theme and so far only considered posts. I simply added a plugin called WP Post Template, though it appears as WP Custom Post Template on searching ‘Add Plugins’. Then created a new file called ‘posts.php’ with this code …

    <?php /* WP Post Template: Post */ ?>
     * The template for displaying all pages.
     * This is the template that displays all pages by default.
     * Please note that this is the WordPress construct of pages
     * and that other 'pages' on your WordPress site will use a
     * different template.
     * @package Omega
    get_header(); ?>
    /* .site-header { display: none; } */
    /* .title-area { display: none; } */
    /* .nav-primary { display: none; } */
    .site-header { border-bottom: 1px solid #EFEFEF; }
    .header-image { display: none; } 
    .content { width: 100%; }
    .sidebar { display: none; }
    <main  class="<?php echo omega_apply_atomic( 'main_class', 'content' );?>" <?php omega_attr( 'content' ); ?>>
    	do_action( 'omega_before_content' ); 
    	do_action( 'omega_content' ); 
    	do_action( 'omega_after_content' ); 
    </main><!-- .content -->
    <?php get_footer(); ?>

    which I added to the Taste Template Directory. You can see that I have used styling to remove parts of the theme and stretched the content div to full width. I have left other options in for you to consider. Remove /* and */ to implement the changes.

    When creating new posts I then simply select ‘Post’ from the available WP Post Template selection.

    Not a perfect solution but a working one but for posts only. No-doubt I will get around to a fix for pages too in time. There should be enough info to create a similar solution of your own for pages.

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 10 months ago by mkjones2015.
    • This reply was modified 7 years, 10 months ago by mkjones2015.

    Actually I had to place the post.php file in both the Omega theme directory and the Taste directory. The first allows the WP Post Template to find the file and the 2nd allows the Taste theme to work with it.

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