Hi there again. With all my respect but why do you think that the issue is resolved?
I’ll quote myself:
Anyway apart from that the plugin works great with the rest of the things.
To every further explanation I am giving to you why it is not fixed and not performing as it should be, you are only answering with questions or posts which are not relevant! I believe that it is unacceptable for you to send me to another plugin to solve issues with your plugin, which as I said by the way do not fix anything?
I’ll quote myself again as I think you haven’t look at the last post I wrote:
So again I believe there should be a way your cron jobs to be set for a week interval checks only if I’ve selected the option weekly DB backup or Scan. Otherwise the options given there in these menus are simply useless as the cron jobs are running all the time anyway.
Just a little comment: What is the point of having selection menus if whatever we do there it doesn’t matter. Looking at the code the first thing the plugin does once activated is to start these cron jobs. Why? I haven’t selected anything yet at that point! Also as we can see from your code even if I disable the options relevant to the issue and say thanks I don’t need them, the cron jobs are still running for that particular options – it doesn’t matter if I deactivate, activate and whatever else I do to apply the settings, this is the behavior of the plugin. Why my choices haven’t been applied?
While I am not saying that this is a bad behavior for some configurations, on my hosting it triggers resource limits, and I am trying intelligently as you said in post No.3 to control the plugin behavior on my hosting, on my installation, on my site.
I am not expecting intelligent solution, and I also don’t expect there to be one, or definitely not saying that you will be happy to alter your plugin code in order to modify the specific issue/setting either for free or after relevant contribution.
That’s why I simply asked if you check the title of the topic: Can I manually change the cron job interval?
You could’ve just say No.
Really, I don’t see the point of your comments!!
As a plugin contributor I suppose you have the right to set MY topic as resolved, but as I said for me while there is no definitive solution explained by you or another skilful person on the question, it is NOT resolved!
Thank you for taking the time to read my post again.