/** Disable cron */
define( 'DISABLE_WP_CRON', true );
Completely disabling cron can hinder some vital plugin functions, so keep that in mind if certain plugins stop working if you do decide to completely disable it. I know, for example, backupbuddy which I see listed in your post. It has an internal cron system that you can turn on and use in the event that you do need to disable cron and still need to make backups. Hope this helps!
I don’t want to completely disable cron as it hinder the system.
Could you please help me to find unnecessary cron-job which can be disabled for better performance.
What I do is disable wp-cron.php and then I got my hosting company to do a real cron job from the SERVER, the cron job hits wp-cron.php, in my case only once a day at midnight, I don’t need it any more often. You can schedule it every 6 hours, 15 minutes, etc, whatever you feel you need, performance will be much better then it being hit every page load.
Trying to find a way to disable a cron job for every single plugin individually will be too much effort and most likely not possible.
Here is a article describing how to do this:
Actually I am using custom con-job in hourly basis.
If I disabled the wp-cron.php than it will affect my custom cron-job.
So we require to identify unnecessary cron-job and disable it. Please help me to identify the unnecessary cron(list is given on post).
Thank you