• I would like to remove the theme name (style) of site from my layout.
    I notice on other WP sites sometimes that they do not always have their theme names attached so I am left to assume I am allowed to do so.
    How do I do this? Edit the CSS or something?

    In case I am not being clear enough, this is exactly what I would to edit.


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  • Gavin Owlsen


    You can remove the link from footer.php file. See at the left hand side and go to:


    First of all, make a backup by copy all CSS codes on Footer.php file on a plain notepad. If you have done so, press CNTRL+F button and at the top of your right hand side, you will see a box. Type in “https://themezee.com/” or “BizzCard Theme by ThemeZee”. Once you found it, you can delete it forever from your blog.

    Anyway, it is advisable to get a permission from theme developer. I don’t think they will allow such action.

    If you buy their upgraded version, their info is removed from the footer.

    Any theme that is included in the repository on this site is released under GPL – and thus, you CAN changes anything you want in the theme. (It’s generally considered good form to leave credits in the header of the CSS file – and for sure, not to claim authorship if you did not create the theme yourself.)

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