You could have a very similar gallery with the “Lazy Gallery” plugin by Nicholas Bruun Jespersen from https://www.lazyboy.dk/wordpress/
My experience is that it works with all themes, BUT, with many, it messes up presentation of the sidebar and other things. I’m sure with some editing of themes, they’d all work fine. Here’s a list of themes that I know work 100% with Lazy Gallery “out of the box” (there are porbably more):
AlmostSpring, Batavia1.5, BlackLetterhead, BlueCurves, Boredom, ChinaRed, ChocolateCandy, Complicated, ConestogaStreet, Copacetix, CrispAndClean, DXX, DeepBlue, Equix, GanjaPress, GreenTrees, Headspace, Imhotep, Jakarta, JustAMindset, KcClock (& other Kc…), LackOfLove, LastRegrets, Letterhead, Liberated, Limelite, MX4, Man~Ja, NanWhite, Neuron, NFOverload, Neat, OldTrain, OrangeSky, Oxymod, Parishuddha, PinkCurves, Psycho, Pumpkin, Quentin, RadMod, RandomImage, RoriRed, RottenTarp, Scattered, Sculpt, Soothe, Spiderman, Spiral, Squares, Steam, StylishBlueModern, SweetPink, WallLightGray, WarmAndDry, Weblogs.us, WhiteAsMilk, WordPressClassic, WordPressDefault WuanAutumn, Wuhan, ZigZag.