• jonny10123



    Can you help me understand whether I could use WordPress as an engine for the following please?

    A standard set of static pages describing the organization
    A members-only area
    A blog
    A forum
    A rating system for posts, and to reward members for participation

    The ability for:

    Users to create groups and invite/accept others
    Users to donate money to groups (via Paypal or SSL onsite)
    A user with rights to create profiles of young people needing funds to start a business
    A user with rights to invest group funds in a young person
    For individuals from a group to invest directly themselves
    For the group and entrepreneur profile to be updated with details of money lent
    For a user with rights to update the entrepreneur profile with monies repaid
    For monies repaid to be automatically split out to the group(s) who lent so they can re-invest

    The entrepreneurs are managed by a third party, so integration and automation of financial flows, both real and digital, is hoped for down the road (the third party are currently building a CRM app).

    Many thanks for any help you can provide.

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