• Hello, I would like to ask you for advice. I have been using your plug-in for a few days now and I love it! But I have two questions:

    1) I am wondering, can I remove the “Review Title” field? I tried it by you advice from other topic here in support questions. I tried your advice
    #tab-reviews h2 {display: none;}
    and also this
    .ewd-urp-review-title {display:none;}
    But nothing works ?? Is there some other way how to remove this field?

    2) After istalling plugin it shows text ,,no votes yet” under each assessment. What is it? I tried to find it and turn off in settings but I didn′t find it. Can you advise me with it please?

    Maybe it has to do with the following message, which I received for each page of the site
    Warning: Missing argument 5 for EWD_URP_Add_Review_Shortcode() in /data/web/virtuals/111240/virtual/www/domains/basennaprani.cz/wp-content/plugins/ultimate-reviews/Functions/Register_EWD_URP_Posts_Taxonomies.php on line 39

    But I don′t know what it means and how to put in order.
    Thank you very much for the advice – Nina, Czech Republic

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  • Plugin Contributor etoilewebdesign


    Hi Nina,

    1. Would you be able to provide us with a link to your page and let us know exactly what title you mean? That way, we might be able to suggest some custom CSS that would work for you.

    2. The code that error is referencing pertains to the shortcode that is shown underneath your post title on the edit review screen in the admin. Based on that error, it’s almost like it can’t find the post, or like it doesn’t exist. By any chance, is the review that shows that error not published (i.e. in draft mode)?

    Thread Starter ninus90


    thank you so much for your answer a and I add more information.
    Here is a link to my site:

    and here is link to the evaluation questionnaire:

    Under term the title review I think the third box questionnaire that I changed text in the plugin submit review from review title to Jste se slo?enou básní spokojení:
    but I’d like to review title, third field in questionnare completely erased from the questionnaire.

    Option no votes yet shows me on published pages on each web pages in the bottom of the page and also in widget with stars to the right.

    And warning:
    Warning: Missing argument 5 for EWD_URP_Add_Review_Shortcode() in /data/web/virtuals/111240/virtual/www/domains/basennaprani.cz/wp-content/plugins/ultimate-reviews/Functions/Register_EWD_URP_Posts_Taxonomies.php on line 39
    Trvaly odkaz: https://basennaprani.cz/osobni-basen-a…basen-na-prani/ ?

    is shown under the heading of each page title in my admin.

    Thank you so much for your help! Nina, Prague

    Plugin Contributor etoilewebdesign


    Hi Nina,

    There is no specific option to hide the review title from the form. However, you could use a bit of custom CSS to hide those fields. Try adding the following the “Custom CSS” box in the “Basic” area of the “Options” tab:

    #ewd-urp-review-title, #Post_Title, #ewd-urp-title-explanation {
    display: none;

    I’m not sure what you mean by: “Option no votes yet shows me on published pages on each web pages in the bottom of the page and also in widget with stars to the right.” Could you please clarify?

    For the warning: The code that error is referencing pertains to the shortcode that is shown underneath your post title on the edit review screen in the admin. Based on that error, it’s almost like it can’t find the post, or like it doesn’t exist. By any chance, is the review that shows that error not published (i.e. in draft mode)?

    Thread Starter ninus90


    thank you for your advice but your code for CSS doesn′t work.
    And by option ,,no votes yet” I think that this text shows me everywhere in my web (on every page) and I would like to remove it. This text showed after installing your plugin and I don′t know why?
    It is seen under each assessment, look:
    ,,No votes yet” this text is here and I want it delete.

    Thank you

    Plugin Contributor etoilewebdesign


    Hi Nina,

    I tested that CSS using the inspect element console while visiting your page and it worked fine. If it didn’t work for you, then maybe I’m not understanding exactly which box you want to hide. If you could attach a screenshot with an arrow pointing to exactly what you want to hide, then we can visit your page and see if there’s a different way to do it.

    The “No votes yet” text is happening because the “Review Karma” setting is enabled (in the “Premium” area of the “Options” tab) and none of your reviews have been up- or down-voted yet. If you disable this setting, that text should go away.

    Thread Starter ninus90


    OK, thank you so much, I will buy premium plugin and than I remove ,,no voted yet”.

    Thank you so much again!

    Plugin Contributor etoilewebdesign


    Hi Nina,

    I was under the impression that you were already using the premium version because the “Review Karma” feature/setting is set to “No” by default and cannot be changed in the free version.

    Because of this, I had another look at your site/source code and it looks like the text isn’t actually generated by our plugin at all. After studying the code for the div that text is in and then researching online, it looks like it is being generated by a plugin called “GD Rating System”. Do you have this plugin installed? If so, can you please try deactivating it and seeing if this text goes away?

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