• Hey folks. I’m the webmaster for my college’s student newspaper. Right now I manually create each page when I put up a story, but I’m looking to WordPress to use as a news publishing system. But I don’t know if WordPress can really work like this, you tell me. Here’s how the website is laid out…

    HOMEPAGE: https://collegian.csufresno.edu
    Displays the latest stories from each of our four categories (news, sports, features, opinion). Not the full story, just TITLE, IMAGE, EXCERPT, LINK.

    CATEGORY PAGE: https://collegian.csufresno.edu/archive/2006/09/15/news/default.shtml
    Displays links to the latest stories in this category. Also displays the same homepage info: TITLE, IMAGE, EXCERPT, LINK.

    Displays links to the latest stories in this story’s category. Also displays the full story content: TITLE, SUBHEAD, BYLINE, FULL STORY TEXT, IMAGE, IMAGE CAPTION.

    Is it possible to mimick this set-up using WordPress? What things would be possible, or not possible? I don’t know, but The Loop seems quite powerful.

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  • Hello

    Yes I think all of that is possible with WP. In fact that is pretty much how it works right out of the box. Though there may be some minor modifications you will need.

    I’ll second that.
    If you do a search for “magazine” and similar keywords you’ll even find several examples of similar use and/or some themes that are pretty much doing what you’d like.

    To fully customize it you’ll have to get familiar with the theme system (and template files in it) but that’s not a big deal.

    Thread Starter bryan868


    Thanks. I definitely don’t want to use an existing theme, I’d rather port my current site design to work with WordPress.

    I’m guessing I’ll have to use these “multiple loops” a lot to achieve what I want? I also forsee problems with how I want to use images, or do you think that’ll be easy?


    No you should only need one loop, though it will be in several files: (index.php, archive.php, page.php, single.php).

    Once you learn more about the “theme” system and how it all fits together to make the webpage/site you will be set.

    The images deal I am not sure excatly what you want to do, though there is a good plug in that I have tried out that works wonders: https://guff.szub.net/2006/02/09/post-image/

    There may be others that I am unaware of.

    Or you can manually add them in with the posts content as well just like any webpage.

    Thread Starter bryan868


    Thanks BPartch, that plug-in looks handy.

    But I think I will have to use multiple loops to get my homepage to look like it does now, don’t you think? With a separate section for each category, displaying the top stories in each.

    Yeah, multiple columns, each with it’s own category? Multiple loops would probably be the easiest.

    Nifty little tutorial on that: https://www.cre8d-design.com/blog/2006/03/09/wordpress-tutorial-blog-posts-in-different-columns/

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