This is the reason:
Thank you for contacting PayPal’s Application Review Team.
With Instant Chained Payments, sellers or service providers are the primary receiver since they receive the majority of the customer’s payment and are usually responsible for order fulfillment. As the merchant of record, the primary receiver is liable for issuing refunds as needed and resolving any chargebacks. As the secondary receiver and platform owner, you would receive any fees or commissions charged to the customer.
In order to update your app submission, please amend your selections in the ‘Services Used by App’ – ‘Adaptive Payments’ – ‘Chained Payments’ area of the submission form and indicate who will be the primary and secondary receiver(s). Please note: You will need to click the App Name in the ‘My Applications’ area in order to expand and edit the fields of your submission form. If you would like additional information on Classic APIs, please refer to the following webpage:
Thank you for your time and patience. I look forward to hearing from you.
How should I set up those fields(Primaary and secondary receiver?)