I currently put a sort of fail safe in place until I get further support which till now I haven’t gotten. But the code I used pretty much removes the whole #payment area (including the buy button and what not) on the actual checkout page as the warning for that you still don’t have enough in your cart is still present when this happens (or it should at least). So based on that I wrote this code snippet to be put in your functions.php
function amount_add_jscript_checkout(){echo '<script>(function($){if($(".woocommerce-error span").hasClass("woocommerce-Price-amount")){$("#payment").remove();}})(jQuery);</script>';}
Pretty simple code snippet that will just remove like mentioned before the whole #payment section when it finds a woocommerce-error with the class woocommerce-Price-amount on the page.
Hope it will also help you in the mean time before we actually can get some reply from the original author(s).