• Resolved Dimitra


    When I try to use #_PAYMENT_URL in reminder e-mails I want to send to atteendees, it does not work in the Attendees Mails option.
    It does work in the Booking Mails, but then other placeholders I want to use like: #_EVENTNAME, #_STARTTIME, #l, #_STARTDATE.
    #_LOCATIONNAME, #_ADDRESS, #_TOWN, #_LOCATIONDETAILS, #_LOCATIONPAGEURL, #_EVENTPRICE, #_CURRENCY, #_EVENTPAGEURL do not work and I can’t find the equivalent of those in Booking (RESV) format at the RSVP Mail in Documentation.

    Any way to make it work in Attendees Mails as it seems that would solve the issue?
    Or any other suggestions?

    Thank you in advance.


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  • Thread Starter Dimitra


    The weird thing is that the above placeholders are working together (on the same e-mail format) when I use them to create the e-mail responses at the settings –> Mail various formats. There for example both #_EVENTNAME and #_PAYMENT_URL are working correctly in the same e-mail.
    Maybe a bug in the Booking Mails at the back end?

    Plugin Author Franky


    Booking mails and attendee mails are different things: 1 attendee (person) can do several bookings, so: when doing attendee mails there’s no way of knowing which booking should be taken into account for e.g. #_PAYMENT_URL.
    In booking mails, the placeholders #_EVENTNAME, #_STARTTIME, #l, #_STARTDATE, #_LOCATIONNAME, #_ADDRESS, #_TOWN, #_LOCATIONDETAILS, #_LOCATIONPAGEURL, #_EVENTPRICE, #_CURRENCY, #_EVENTPAGEURL should all work … See https://www.e-dynamics.be/wordpress/?cat=27 . If not that is a bug. Did you try this?

    Thread Starter Dimitra


    Yes, it seems then that it is a bug.
    The event placeholders, at least the ones listed above are not working in the back end booking mails.
    When the test email arrives it just prints the placeholder. The rsvp placeholders seem to work. At least the ones I used.

    Plugin Author Franky


    Confirmed as a bug and fixed in this change (will be in the next version):

    Thread Starter Dimitra


    Ok. Thank you!

    Thread Starter Dimitra


    Thank you! It works now!

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