Here are links to two screenshots.
The first is of our home page where you can see a testimonial displayed in italics, with the name of the person who gave the testimonial (J Graeme Roberts) beneath it. This is a slider, with testimonials being refreshed every few seconds. I use design-1 for the display, with some customised CSS to remove the big green quote mark and adjust the font size of the other quote marks.
You’ll notice that there is no title above the testimonial (which is how I want it to appear). I’ve only been able to achieve this by leaving the Title field blank for all the testimonials – see the second screenshot.
The problem with this is that, when I view the list of testimonials in the dashboard (as in the second screensot), I can’t see the name of the people who gave the testimonials. This information is stored in the ‘Client Name’ field which is not visible until I open the testimonial for editing, making it awkward to find a particular testimonial for editing.
I experimented with setting the title of the testimonial to the Client Name but then I couldn’t find any way to avoid this being displayed by the slider.
I can think of two ways you could help to solve my problem
a) Add another column to the dashboard in which to display the Client Name.
b) Add another parameter to the slider shortcode enabling the display of the title to be switched off.
I don’t mind which of these options you pick but would be very grateful if you could implement one or other (or both) of them.
This reply was modified 1 year, 8 months ago by