• Can the plugin still work if I want to use something like S3 Offload (www.ads-software.com/plugins/amazon-s3-and-cloudfront/) for the video files?

    I’m allowing users to upload video, so I’d like to keep them off the server.

    Also, the styling of the player is really wonky, I assume its from my theme: buttons are misaligned, play button is hidden, another play button sticks in the center of the player.

    Is there a way to force the native styling so my site doesn’t override it and cause all these issues?

    • This topic was modified 2 years, 11 months ago by homelesshenry.
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  • Plugin Author Kyle Gilman


    It is possible to offload videos to S3 but I’ve heard from some users that it introduces some bugs in video encoding and thumbnail generating. If you’re not using FFMPEG to make thumbnails you’ll have to set a CORS policy that allows sharing the thumbnail data between domains. https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/userguide/enabling-cors-examples.html is one place to start, but I’ve never done it and I can’t tell you exactly how it would work, I just know it won’t work out of the box.

    To fix your player styling you could try switching the player to WordPress Default at the top of the Videopack settings page. Without seeing your page it’s hard to say what else would work.

    Thread Starter homelesshenry


    Thanks for the reply.

    If I could ask a few more things:

    1) So if I wanted to offload the videos with that S3 plugin without any hassle, it should work provided I do not have encoding and thumbnail generation? If so, would I have to have no thumbnail displayed at all or would the option you have for a thumbnail placeholder/default image work?

    2) I’m allowing users to upload videos on my site, so I’d prefer to actually keep encoding disabled to ease off on the server.

    I’m wondering what video file formats are accepted and can be played without any encoding? Is it only MP4 or also MOV? The reason is because I would assume the overwhelming majority will be uploading videos in MP4 (Android) and MOV or HEVC (Apple). Also, do they play properly across the general browsers (Chrome, FF, Safari, Android, Iphone)?

    3) I noticed you have options for disabling encoding based on user role, which I thought was a great option. I was just wondering if there was the option or any code snippets laying around that allow disabling the entire functionality of the plugin based on user role?

    Sorry for all the questions.

    Plugin Author Kyle Gilman


    If you don’t want to make thumbnails or encode videos, and the player styling doesn’t look good with your theme, what Videopack features do you want to use that wouldn’t be accomplished better with a more modern video plugin that actually works with the block editor?

    If you don’t make individual thumbnails for videos you can set a default thumbnail in the Videopack settings page. You might also see the first frame of the video if you don’t set a default thumbnail.

    Many Android phones record H.264 browser-compatible files, but the HEVC MOVs you get from iPhones will not play in most browsers without transcoding to H.264.

    If you disabled the entire functionality of the plugin based on user role then those users wouldn’t see videos at all and would see the Videopack shortcode text instead. Is that the idea? What specifically would you like to accomplish by disabling the plugin?

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