• Lorelle


    I just got this from Batch-Categories page:

    # Steph Says:
    February 21st, 2005 at 8:24 am
    Ia€?m really sorry to hear the plugin doesna€?t work with 1.5. As I might have mentioned, Ia€?m swamped right now. If nobody does it before me, Ia€?ll adapt it to 1.5 at some point. If anybody feels like doing it, just go ahead! I really dona€?t care if ita€?s me or somebody else who writes the 1.5 version of Batch Categories.

    This is such an incredibly valuable tool. Anyone been able to figure out how to get it to work with the new version of WordPress 1.5? I had it working with an earlier beta version, but with the new release, it’s toast and I don’t know what changed to kill it.

    Let’s save batch-categories! Please.

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  • jinsan


    Not sure what you mean by the last comment, but I deleted the thing anyway and I’ve got my plugins screen back. Will wait for others to test it before I give it another go ??




    See Update II from Stephanie here for the purpose of the plugin:

    I uploaded a new version that fixes all warnings, at least for me. Of course, my testing was cursory since I have no need for a batch category editor.

    Thread Starter Lorelle


    Kaf, you are the miracle worker!!! Sorry for the delay in attempting this, but I’ve been ~~a little preoccupied~~ with a major leak in our home and had to rip off one wall to find and repair it….Yuk. It’s now almost done and I can get back to REAL work.

    This is brilliant. I’ve hard coded a link in my admin MANAGE screen to the file but it works like a charm. Too bad the plugin version didn’t work that puts a link in automatically, but this is brilliant.




    Ryan, your plugin adds a space in the XML feeds! Can you solve it? It worked just fine for me…apart that HUGE issue!

    This is a hard thread to follow since there appears to be about 3 different versions of the plugin/hack being discussed.

    I finally got it working by following only Kaf’s advice. Then I typed
    and it worked! (of course change my-site to the name of your site).

    Now to hack a menu call to it as mentioned by Lorell on 3/3 and I will be set!

    Now I just wish I could figure out how to call this routine from within a post – so I could easily change it’s categories without modifying the post_modified date.

    Thread Starter Lorelle


    You don’t. This isn’t something you want in a post. Batch Categories is a utility that runs on it’s own page within your Admin – not your blog or site.

    And when you change categories, the date of the posts should not change. This is strictly a utility not something to display to the world.

    Or are you talking about a little link that only appears when you are logged in? Like EDIT? Still does the same thing. I click EDIT then BATCH CATEGORIES link in the ADMIN and do what I want and then VIEW SITE. This is for changing a BUNCH of posts within categories. For one post, click EDIT, change the category, SAVE and go on.

    Yes, I meant like EDIT – and yes, I can jump from edit to Batch-Categories.

    My posts show the Date they were created and then the “Last Modified” date and also on my sidebar it shows all the ‘Latest’ posts which includes any posts that have been modified recently. If all I do is correct a category I don’t want the ‘last modified’ date changed – so batch-categories does the job whereas the regular edit changes this date.

    What I really would like to find is a hack that allows you to keep the ‘last modified’ date from changing, just like is already built into Edit for the Post Date.

    BTW – I tried to document all I did in installing batch-categories to my blog at:

    Hopefully will be of help to others like you guys have been for me ??

    Thread Starter Lorelle


    Thanks for spreading the good works and words.

    By changing categories you are technically “modifying” things. That’s hard to get around.

    Once you have everything in the right category, then you don’t need batch categories so much. If you screw up and put one post in the wrong category, that’s not something batch categories is good for. Remember, it consumes a lot of resources, including bandwidth and database. This is a utility for SERIOUS category switching, not the occassional muck up.

    And glad to help. When I did my huge import into WordPress from static HTML pages, Batch Categories saved me as the primary category took but the secondary category didn’t. That took ages by hand, but batch categories made it a breeze to clean all those up quickly. And then when I decided to be stupid and change my category ID numbers without thinking the entire process through, I had over 500 posts to change categories on. UGH! Batch categories again saved me. It’s been weeks since I’ve used it, but I’m sure glad I have it, just in case. Brilliant thing.

    Now, if you liked that….check out this:

    Enhanced Post View from https://www.coldforged.org/ (search the site for those words). It is abso-fabul-ohshus-lee wonderful. And may help you even more than batch categories.

    I have tried to follow all the different posts and advice in this thread but I have not been able to bring up the admin screen. I have put in batch-categories.php in the wp-admin folder and I have the batch-access.php in my plugins folder. I have activated batch categories plugin, but when I browse to /wp-admin/batch-categories.php I get a blank screen. I have tried to hack the menu.php, but to no avail. I suspect I need to be able to bring in the admin screen by browsing to it first. Can someone help???


    What happens when you access it directly. That is, can you open it by going to wp-admin/batch-categories.php (assuming you didn’t rename it)?

    Hi Kafkaesqui. I get a blank screen.

    Sounds like the original problems with what admin scripts are required for inclusion (and in what order). I hit your contact page with a possible solution.

    Hi Kafkaesqui,
    Thanks very much for the files. I can open the Admin page now and am able to check out what batch-categories can do. I find something wierd about the search though. It only lists the first 10 posts and there is no way to browse the next ten or etc.
    If I try to search for posts containing a keyword, it lists them in the Manage Posts page rather than Manage Batcats page.
    Can someone offer me a tip on how to navigate the posts?
    Thanks again! You guys are very helpful and I appreciate it!

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