Can we use Dollar signs $…$ and $$…$$?
The [katex]…[/katex] shortcode is default, and [latex]...[/latex] should also work according to the documentation in order to be compatible with other latex plugins.
But will or can it also be compatible with usual Dollar sign wrapping, $…$ and $$…$$ as typical tex compilers accept?
I have for a while been using Simple Mathjax that allows for these Dollar signs. So all math on my entire site is made with these. I’d like to keep my Dollar signs not just to avoid the huge task of changing all occurences of them, but also because it is much neater in user input fields to guide users to use Dollar signs, which they may be familiar with from latex compilers, rather than shortcode syntax.
I’d be grateful if I have it confirmed whether Dollar sign wrapping is supporting. Thank you very much.
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