The “ | ” in question is actually built into bbPress as the default prefix to show before the topic subscribe button.
I’ve added the custom functionality you requested to the next upcoming release of Style Pack….but here is a simplified version of the new changes that will hold you over until the next release:
// temporary function to remove the | pipe character from before the subscribe button
function chuckie_topic_subscribe_filter( $html ) {
$pattern = '/ \| /';
$replace = ' ';
$html = preg_replace( $pattern, $replace, $html );
// return the customized button html
return $html;
add_filter( 'bbp_get_topic_subscribe_link', 'chuckie_topic_subscribe_filter', 10, 1 );
Add that to your theme’s function.php file, or with the Code Snippets plugin.
The code will replace the “space | space” before the subscribe button with just a single space ( ), which should you give you the desired visual appeal.
A pure CSS solution wasn’t realistic, but this simple PHP code snippet is.
You can keep this even after the next Style Pack release, or delete it and just use the new options I’ve added within Style Pack. They won’t conflict….but the above is hard-coded, while the next release of Style Pack will give you an input box to update/change this in the future easily.