Hi Andy C!
I actualy would like to get it to run outside of the frame, but I have not been succesfull. I will get back to that.
I have it running in a inline frame, you can see it at https://www.therealiraq.org if you take a look at the code, it is a html/css running a jave menu, followed by a inline frame at the bottom. (just above a footer also part of the menu css file) It works fine, displaying in the frame, we have had several hits and comments over the weekend (we went live friday night). One issue was how it looked in FireFox, I think I solved that issue changing the width from a percentage to a set pixel amount. I have not checked the FireFox issue yet.
The real problem running in the frame is that the “register” menu and “login” menu loop. You can never register or login. You can connect to our site and try this yourself. Without a fix for that, I am looking to a workaround. We end up calling it a “feature” normal users can only comment (that does work feel free to try it, we moderate them all for now). but they can not register or login.
I am going to make a login menu that will present our contributors (limited to inividuals “in country”) with the wp-register.php and the wp-login selection. This will work around this issue that I can not solve. Unless I end up creating more problems than I solve!
I did write, with the help of a user at FutureQuest (our site provider) a php file to put the menu system on top of the WordPress Blog. (see failed attempts at code in previos posts from me.
This works;
?> ‘
However, the styles from the first file menuframe.php, are applied to the index.php of the blog. To see this go to https://www.therealiraq.org\mash.php The name explains the result!
I just read another post, https://www.ads-software.com/support/topic.php?id=22019 and it makes me think that I may be able to use “the loop” to do what I want, I need to spend more time on it.
By the way, now that we are in production, I like WP even more, people have left comments and with WordPress, I can tell what part of the world they are in it has a auto IP function! What a great feature, I caught a aol user that said they were in another country, they were actually in the US!
I hope I helped, others here have been very helpful to me so far.