• My website has a both a blog page and a page for podcasts.

    But I’m having trouble posting podcasts to the podcast page. It defaults to the blog.

    Is there a way to make a post only to a certain page, or do they have to go to the blog page?

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  • The Blog In Blog plugin may do what you want. It has not been updated in a long time, but it still works with WP 3.9.1.

    You can also just point your link to the category inside of your blog – so that only your podcasts show up on that page.

    Does that make sense?

    Check this out –
    Inside of Appearance >> Menus >> Select Category on the left side and add the category “podcasts” to your menu.

    Now that link will only produce a page with all podcasts.


    That will not prevent the podcasts from also showing on the blog page. The plugin will take care of that.

    Way to go!

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