• Resolved joegestalt


    I’m starting a new topic as the last Canada Pharmacy top was marked as solved. It is not. We have Ninja Forms on a lot of sites, so this is a major issue for us!

    The last update did not solve the spam issue. Have had this problems for about 2 months. At first it was just a couple at a time, then there was nothing for a while and now when a site is hit it sends hundreds per hour until the form is taken offline. The honeypot and manually created captcha are bypassed. Spam that gets sent always looks similar to this:
    ?? CANADA PHARMACY 2020 ?? ?? Our network is the world’s largest and most trusted distributor. https://chirayuexports.com/calendar/fluidram_overimport.html ?? CANADA PHARMACY ??

    For a quick fix, them.es has kindly provided a solution using a comments blacklist:
    Code: https://gist.github.com/them-es/7c8a120ac868f5c4fc474e53a1266c83
    Plugin: https://www.ads-software.com/support/plugin/i-dont-like-spam/reviews/

    But I really hope Ninja Forms will fix this soon, as a terms blacklist will only work while the spam stays the same. If it stops working for the spammers, they will just adapt their spam.

    Will Ninja Forms be providing a working solution to this soon?? We need to decide whether we stick with NF or find a replacement, so some advice from NF about whether (and when) they will fix this would be much appreciated.

    • This topic was modified 4 years, 4 months ago by joegestalt.
    • This topic was modified 4 years, 4 months ago by joegestalt.
Viewing 6 replies - 16 through 21 (of 21 total)
  • @jmcelhaney hello, i dont use Conditional Logic extension, and i have this spam problems.
    recaptcha dont register views or fails, or success…
    it must be jump over recaptcha

    @xxlescort Are you using any other Ninja Forms extensions? It’s possible that another extension is causing the same issue. Try my snippet from the previous page anyway.

    My clients site had the same problem as well. This is the 3rd time. This time I deployed conditional logic to not send emails or store submission if one of the fields contains the word “PHARMACY”. Which will work until that word in no longer in the message.

    I contacted Ninja forms and they told me their plugin does not support reCaptcha V3 which is what we are using. Which I find odd as …

    a) Why were the V3 site & secret keys accepted in our Ninja Forms settings?

    b) Why when I add reCaptcha to a form is there a setting for “Visibility” – which I assumed was related to the V3’s ability to display the reCaptcha badge in the bottom of right of the web site – which is what it does – further implying it does have functionality for V3 (as I am almost certain V2 does not support)

    c) why does NinjaForms think that the latest version of the plugin plus reCaptcha V2 is all we need when I assume you folks here have done that. If that was the case the fix from Jacob Peattie (@jakept) would not be necessary.

    Plugin Contributor Justin McElhaney


    @xxlescort and @joegestalt If you are still having issues with Spam, make sure that you are using Ninja Forms and have v2 reCaptcha keys added to Ninja Forms > Settings Alternatively, you can use an Akismet action on your form. https://ninjaforms.com/docs/akismet-anti-spam-action

    @kingrobb We have an issue in our system to upgrade our reCaptcha to accept v3 reCaptcha keys.

    If you have the Conditional Logic add-on installed, make sure you update to version

    If all of these conditions are met and you are still having issues with this Spam, can you contact us at ninjaforms.com/contact so we can take a closer look at the issue on your site.

    @jmcelhaney thanks. My plugins were completely up to date when our spam issue happened. However I was using V3 of reCaptcha. I am not sure my client wants to use V2. I am waiting for their response. Is @jakept code needed for V2? And Justin – why does Ninja forms have an option for Visible or Hidden on the reCaptcha field if it does not support V3?

    Thread Starter joegestalt


    Just to report back on these filter solutions here, which we’ve tried on many websites for a couple of weeks now… the filter using comments blacklist terms has so far worked for the Pharmacy Spam. A new type of Russian spam has been arriving, which didn’t have any of the words we filtered in the comments blacklist and it was not stopped by the PHP filter that Jacob had provided either. Our manually created captcha using the “Antispam” field and our mandatory checkboxes appear to have been bypassed. For various reasons we have not tried Google’s v2 reCaptcha. Assuming the people who used reCaptcha and were spammed anyway were using v3, then maybe v2 reCaptcha is the only fix.

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