Canada Pharmacy Spam
I’m starting a new topic as the last Canada Pharmacy top was marked as solved. It is not. We have Ninja Forms on a lot of sites, so this is a major issue for us!
The last update did not solve the spam issue. Have had this problems for about 2 months. At first it was just a couple at a time, then there was nothing for a while and now when a site is hit it sends hundreds per hour until the form is taken offline. The honeypot and manually created captcha are bypassed. Spam that gets sent always looks similar to this:
?? CANADA PHARMACY 2020 ?? ?? Our network is the world’s largest and most trusted distributor.
?? CANADA PHARMACY ??For a quick fix, has kindly provided a solution using a comments blacklist:
Plugin: I really hope Ninja Forms will fix this soon, as a terms blacklist will only work while the spam stays the same. If it stops working for the spammers, they will just adapt their spam.
Will Ninja Forms be providing a working solution to this soon?? We need to decide whether we stick with NF or find a replacement, so some advice from NF about whether (and when) they will fix this would be much appreciated.
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