Hi Olga,
At this moment we support CASL and Pipeda. Some provinces have private-sector privacy laws that have been deemed “substantially similar” to PIPEDA, such as Quebec Bill 64.
The “new” requirements from Quebec Bill 64 are as follows:
First Year September 2022
-required to appoint a privacy officer
-right for organizations to disclose personal information without consent when it is necessary for the fulfilment of a commercial transaction or scientific purpose
Second Year September 2023
-required to inform data subjects about the use of automated decision-making and profiling technologies
-adhere to enhanced consent requirements including clear, free, and -informed consent for a specified purpose and timeframe
-required to provide an external privacy policy in clear, plain language
-required to destroy or anonymize personal information once the original purpose has been fulfilled
-provide data subjects with the right to restrict processing and the right to erasure
Third Year September 2024
-must offer data subjects the right to data portability.
For the Complianz plugin (current version) those new obligations for September 2022 do not make a difference because we already support the possibility to mention the name of a senior responsible person on the privacy statement. So you can keep on using the current plugin.
In 2023 we plan to implement the other requirements during a big Canada midsummer update where we are also going to look at other provinces. The main reason for this “delay” is that we are actually waiting to see what will happen with the C-27 Act (https://www.parl.ca/legisinfo/en/bill/44-1/c-27).