Hi! You can use the following code (obtained in https://developer.www.ads-software.com/reference/functions/get_term_meta/)
//TO USE IN SINGLE LOOP (single.php)
//Get the category from the current post in the loop
$category = get_the_category();
//get_term_meta documentation https://developer.www.ads-software.com/reference/functions/get_term_meta/
$color = get_term_meta($category[0]->cat_ID, 'color', true);
//Check if it has a color
echo '<h1 style="color:', $color , '">Category Color</h1>';
//TO USE IN CATEGORY LOOP (category.php)
//Get the category used in the loop
$category = get_category( get_query_var( 'cat' ) );
//get_term_meta documentation https://developer.www.ads-software.com/reference/functions/get_term_meta/
$color = get_term_meta($category->cat_ID, 'color', true);
//Check if it has a color
echo '<h1 style="color:', $color , '">Category Color</h1>';