• bakerstreet21b


    I have tried to install WordPress on my mac using MAMP, I’ve filled in the root and root, created a database and everything but when i then type in localhost:8888/wp-admin.php I only get “Error establishing a database connection”. If I only type in the localhost:8888 I get a “link” that says “wordpress” and that does not work either. I have seen several people with similar problems but none with the exact same so all ideas are welcome. Also I’m new to this and don’t really speak advanced computing so keep it simple.

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  • digibeast


    Okay, step by step, make sure you’ve done the following:
    1: Unzip WordPress into the site folder you create (let’s call it “sherlock”) and place in the htdocs folder of the MAMP directory.

    2: Start MAMP if you haven’t done so already. Click Open Start Page which will open the start page in your browser. Click the phpmyadmin link to create a database.

    3: Click Database tab and type in the name (you choose) of your database in the box. I usually name it what I’m calling the site folder so I can distinguish it later from others I’ve created. In this case “sherlock”. Click create.

    4: Go back to MAMP and click Preferences. Click the Ports tab and click Set Web & MySQL ports to 80 & 3306 (unless you know of a reason not to – since this is new to you, stick with 80/3306.)

    5: Click on the Web Server tab. Click on the Select… button and point the document root to the site folder you installed WP into (sherlock). Click OK.

    NOTE: For clarification we’ve name the site folder that WP was installed into and the database name both “sherlock” in this example.

    6: Go to your browser and type localhost (NOT localhost:8888 – we’re not using that port). WordPress should begin installing.

    7: Now enter the database name when prompted – sherlock, username – root, password – root, leave the other two boxes as they are. Click submit.

    8: Alright, Sparky! You can now run the install.

    9: Enter the admin username (guess which one I use…Yup, sherlock!) then a password, email, I click discourage search engine (which you’ll want to change when site goes live.

    10: Install WordPress…you’re done!

    Double check that you’ve followed each of these steps during your setup. If you’re still unsure, use these steps to start again. It’s easy!

    “Your WordPress Tool”
    [email protected]

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