Cannot activate plugin
Attempted to install and activate this plugin.
Got an error that it could not activate.
Fatal error: Cannot redeclare class Ctct\SplClassLoader in … /wp-content/plugins/constant-contact-forms/vendor/constantcontact/constantcontact/constantcontact/src/Ctct/SplClassLoader.php on line 23
Do you have a different ConstantContact based plugin installed and active already? Sounds like a case of two different plugins using a matching code library. Not sure if you’re planning to remove the first one, if it’s still going, or run them side-by-side.
Well, I did have another one originally but it had a notice that it would be deprecated as of 12/6/16 (due to new API at ConstantContact) and I needed to find a new one. I looked at a lot of different ones but it’s impossible to tell which ones are ready for the new API or not. That’s why I decided to go with this one that is from ConstantContact and was very recently updated.
Constant Contact Forms is now the only CC plugin installed so there should not be any conflicts happening. But it won’t let me activate and still gives me that fatal error.
Sorry for the delay in response here, it got caught in my spam filter.
If all of the previous plugins are deactivated, and it’s still throwing an error, then I’m curious of the other conflicting library is part of the theme instead. However, there’s no way for me to possibly confirm that, given how diverse themes can be.
Is the original error shown in the first reply the entire thing you’re seeing? or did you truncate it a bit for brevity in your thread? I’m hoping it maybe shows a file/line reference for both sides.
The only part I removed was the personal identifying information in the URL that comes before wp-content (home/user/public_html/domain). No other file or line info.
The theme in use is Elegant Themes’ Deep Focus, but as you said that probably doesn’t help much. Although I do have a lifetime membership with support at ET, so I suppose I could post over there and see if they have any wisdom about it.
Really I probably just need to find a different CC plugin, but it’s complicated right now with the API update. Impossible to tell which plugins are ready for that vs not.
Looking to have a 1.1.2 release later this week that will help address this issue, however I’m still trying to do what I can to determine what may be causing the conflict still, even with all other plugins deactivated.
If you would like, I’d appreciate some help testing to make sure my changes would indeed work like expected.
Sure, happy to help however I can. Let me know!
Here you go,
Should extract to the same folder name that gets used when installed via here. Ready to upload and use right away.
I appreciate that willingness here.
Hi Michael,
I deleted my existing (unactivated) version of the plugin (1.1.1). Then I downloaded the zip file you provided and installed that. It installed (still said v 1.1.1) but when I attempted to activate it, I got a 500 server error that said the site can’t handle that request. Then when I attempted to delete it, I got a similar error that said the site couldn’t even be reached. I FTP’d in and deleted the plugin folder, refreshed my plugins page, and then everything was fine, site back to normal.
So, I’m not sure what happened but definitely not the results we were hoping for there!
Hmmm. Not quite sure why that would happen, since all I did was make a change that checks for the existence of “Ctct\SplClassLoader” already, before trying to load it the first time.
Not experiencing the issue myself, which doesn’t help. May not make it out in a 1.1.2 release afterall, if it’s not being fixed yet.
What was the previous plugin you’re using? Curious if I could figure something out there.
Hi Michael, I am also having this problem (I posted a separate thread about it yesterday), and tried the plugin you posted above. I had the same problem as brightgirl, fatal error with white screen of death. I deleted the plugin via ftp and the site came back.
If you have any ideas on how to resolve this, or other plugins that might work for us, it would be so helpful. The other plugin will no longer work after today.
Thanks for your help!
Knowing what the error is, is always going to be the best course of solving. Sadly, “I got a white screen” isn’t super efficient.
The link above should be preventing loading the same class twice.
What I can’t figure out is why the conflict is occurring when the previous plugin isn’t active any more.
The previous Constant Contact plugin I was using was called Constant Contact Widget and it was version 1.9.3 by SourceFound. I cannot find it in the repository anymore; perhaps the developer removed it because they did not intend to update it for the new CC API. However, I do have a copy of it in old local backups of my site. I’m not clear whether the code actually contains any of my client’s CC credentials though so I don’t really want to share those files here in a public way.
It seems like the new file you offered was a step backward. At least with the version from the repository I would get the error I reported. The new version completely hosed the site and there was no way out except to remove the plugin via FTP.
Can you email the backup of the copy to michael @ ?
Unless something somehow got changed a lot more than I intended, I’m struggling to figure out why an if statement would do that much difference. That said I’m not giving up either.
Sent it just now ??
Looks like the exact same widget as the one used in
Celeste mentioned using a Total Donations plugin as well, which we think is probably the source of their conflict.
Can you think of any other plugin that my have ConstantContact integration available in it? Not sure how comfy you’d be with sending a zip of just the plugins from the backup, but I’d be willing to poke through it.
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