This is a production site so disabling plugins/changing themes is ill advised until at least summer or maybe part of spring break. (Education sites are easier to downtime in for summer, at least for us.). I’m afraid I don’t really have the benefit of a test site. I can send you the theme and a plugin list if you have a test site and want to look into the matter. A plugin list in case any are known to cause problems (Many are outdated until the summer upgrade).:
All-in-One Event Calendar by v2.2.0 By Network Inc.
CKEditor for WordPress v4.4.5 | By CKSource |
Database Browser v1.2 | By Chris Taylor |
Facebook Like Thumbnail v0.4 | By Ashfame |
Google Analytics Version 1.0.5 | By Kevin Sylvestre
Huge IT Slider Version 3.0.6 | By Huge-IT
Meta Tag Manager Version 2.0.2 | By Marcus Sykes
PhotoSmash Version 1.0.7 | By Byron Bennett |
Responsive Flickr Gallery
Version 1.3.0 | By Lars Schenk
Share Buttons by AddToAny Version 1.5.2 | By AddToAny
Team Members Version 2.1.2 | By WP Darko |
Ultimate Social Media PLUS Version 2.2.1 | By UltimatelySocial
YouTube Version 11.5 | By EmbedPlus Team
Wordpress V 4.1.15
Peacekeeper By Jinsona Designs
We have some custom code in there, many replacing the slider with a plugin (Flash broke) and tweaking the nav bar.