• Resolved cist


    I just installed your plugin because I wanted to go further with group assignation than what User Access Manager plugin offers.
    I have created 2 areas.
    I have managed to assign pages to areas, but cannot assign users (no choice given under the “Access Areas” title in user profiles??
    Any advice?
    Otherwise, I’ll have to delete the plugin that looks perfect for me :-((
    Thank you in advance!


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  • Plugin Author podpirate


    Hi there,
    that Issue should be fixed now with version 1.1.8.
    Thx for the bug-spotting!

    Thread Starter cist


    Great, this aspect works!

    I still have a few problems:
    – with restricted access (eg. not general “administrator” but “contributor” to the area), pages don’t show in the back office… Articles do, but cannot be changed although it has been marked as part of the area.
    – it could be great if the general “administrator” could have access to all areas without having to change the profile.

    Thank you in advance. I’m waiting for your answer to know whether I can go on or need to change plugin.

    Plugin Author podpirate


    Hi giscist,
    Administrator-Access-all-areas (lets call it Quad-A ?? ) completely makes sense. I will include it in the next update.
    To the other issue: The minimum role for editing pages is ‘editor’. You might like to assign the editor role to your users, setup a custom role with “User Role Editor”.
    (Be carefull: when adding/removing roles through URE the Access Areas assigned to a user get lost, and need to be re-assigned.)

    Thread Starter cist


    Thanks for your quick reply.
    Logical indeed to edit with an editor profile: I’ve tested and it works ok…
    The only trouble being that it enables access to all pages, articles & events of the site unless attached to a specific area (default WordPress, I guess). Then it would be useful to me if I create a “restricted access area” (which means updating all pages but 10, 120 articles and portfolios, 110 events).

    Your plugin would really benefit from a solution that would enable user assigned to a specific area to access this area only (if of course you get the Quad-A working before!). Or to restrict to contributos who can edit their own contributions by default?
    Don’t know if this is possible, though.

    Please let me know…

    Plugin Author podpirate


    Hi giscist,
    WordPress still makes use of ‘deprecated’ user level concept when determining if someone can edit something. Pages require a higher level than posts.
    Achieving something like ‘contributor with access to thing can edit any thing, regardless of post, page, term, menu, whatever’ would mean to crawl deeply into the authorization mechanism and to override the user’s original levels. To me this sounds quite hacky and a little bit too backdoorish.

    The many-articles-problem could be solved through bulk editing. After Quad-A (very soon, promised, just needs more testing) I will add this in the next minor release (maybe 1.2.0).

    Thanks for the ideas! (More of them are always welcome.)

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