• Hello,

    New SupportCandy version 3 looks very good, thank you!

    However, after upgrading to version 3 users can no longer create new tickets.

    In Firefox, the error is shown after clicking on Submit as a pop-up window on which it simply says [object Object]. Full details can be found on the screenshots below.



    After clicking on OK I’m taken back to a new (blank) form for creating tickets.

    I’m sure you’re already aware of this but just in case:

    Cookie “wpsc-tl-filters” does not have a proper “SameSite” attribute value. Soon, cookies without the “SameSite” attribute or with an invalid value will be treated as “Lax”. This means that the cookie will no longer be sent in third-party contexts. If your application depends on this cookie being available in such contexts, please add the “SameSite=None“ attribute to it. To know more about the “SameSite“ attribute, read https://developer.mozilla.org/docs/Web/HTTP/Headers/Set-Cookie/SameSite

    Any help and suggestions are greatly appreciated.

    Thank you very much for the great work that you are doing!

    Best regards,

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  • Thread Starter benevento


    Furthermore: I have just tested it and responding to an already existing ticket (created prior to version 3) works.

    There seems to be an issue with line endings as the newlines entered in the editor box do not appear when viewing a ticket (and in notifications, but I would need to check that in more detail).

    Plugin Author SupportCandy


    Please create a ticket on our website. One of our agents will help you solve this.

    Thread Starter benevento


    Thank you very much for your help!

    To anyone who encounters the same problem: Make sure there is a default value set for the Subject field (regardless of whether you use it on your form or not). Go to Support => Custom Fields => Ticket Fields to do that.

    I have this problem and despite trying the dafult subject I am still having the problem

    Thread Starter benevento


    Hey @bigtrousers

    Try setting a default value for all other fields as well … (starting with the Description field as that sounds like something that has to have a value, like the subject) … and it does not matter whether a field is used on your ticket form or not.

    From memory I believe I renamed my Description field to something else (which I cannot remember now of course :-), maybe Message) so just setting a default value for Subject worked for me. That’s probably because I made the other field required on the form.

    And that’s the other thing you could try … try making some of the important looking fields on your form as required, so there has to be a value in them.

    Thanks, I will that a try

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