Hi bfit
I am sorry to hear of your problem with background edit.
I have just done a new site with a new background and all was fine (see https://www.chris-dickinson.com).
If you can give more details of the problem I can try & help.
It should be straightforward in dashboard>appearance>background & follow the instruction to add a new background.
Also there are 3 background images in animass images directory
. The blue pleatedmetalcu.gif is the default background.
It is possible to edit style.css to change the image
Go to dashboard apperance>editor>style & find:
/* =Global Elements
-------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* Main global 'theme' and typographic styles */
body {
background: url("images/pleatedmetalcublu.gif");
change this to one of the other background images I included in the images directory (eg pleatedmetalcu.gif / pleatedmetalcuLite.gif) eg:
/* =Global Elements
-------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* Main global 'theme' and typographic styles */
body {
background: url("images/pleatedmetalcuLite.gif");
Of course if you want to add your own background image this way then upload your image to the animass>images directory and edit the style.css with the name of the image you uploaded.
Well I hope that helps and works.
I apologise for not replying earlier but I do not usually visit this page & have only just done so!
Thanks mercime for pointing out that I will always answer questions about anIMass theme at my blog https://www.richard-dickinson.com
Best wishes