• Resolved barrelleaf


    I just found a problem regarding the Downloadable product permissions section on the backend.

    It used to work just fine. But I suddenly found that the product listed below the Downloadable product permissions section is gone.


    And when I tried to add the products by typing the product name, it says

    “Could not grant access – the user may already have permission for this file or billing email is not set. Ensure the billing email is set, and the order has been saved.”

    I’m sure that the billing email is set, so I guess the product is there but I cannot see it (?)

    Not sure how to fix this. Hope someone could help me.
    Thank you.


    • This topic was modified 4 years, 1 month ago by barrelleaf.
    • This topic was modified 4 years, 1 month ago by barrelleaf.

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Plugin Support EastOfWest a11n


    Hi Nora,

    If you’re referring to the core WooCommerce Digital/Downloadable product, then you might be looking in the wrong place, if your screenshot is any indication.

    When you check the Downloadable box in the normal Product data area of your WooCommerce product, then this section, highlighted in red in the image below, is revealed:

    Screenshot of which options are added after the downloadable checkbox is selected

    If you can’t see the Product data meta box to start with, then perhaps something hid it? In that case, when you’re editing the product, look for the Screen Options tab at the top, click to expand it, and make sure Product data is checked there.

    Screenshot of what the screen options tab looks like when it is expanded with an arrow pointing out the product data checkbox

    If what you’re referring to is not covered above, then it’s possible you have additional functionality added by another plugin. If that is the case, you should reach out to that plugin’s support for help.

    Thread Starter barrelleaf


    Hi, thanks for replying.

    Maybe I was not clear. I meant I used to be able to edit the download time or regrant access to the customer on this page (In the order details) after they exceed the download limit time. (This page shows how many times each customer has downloaded and which product they purchased.) I’ve done it several times before.

    But I suddenly found that it’s gone.

    And even though I click the “Regenerate download permissions” button, the customer said she still couldn’t download.

    Plugin Support Damianne P (a11n)


    H @barrelleaf. Sorry we missed your last response.

    “Regenerate download permissions” makes sure that the products that were purchased show in the “Downloadable products permission” section of an order.

    In the “Downloadable products permission” section, you can expand the options for each file and will see the options to edit the “Downloads remaining” or date that “Access expires”:

    I hope that helps!

    Thread Starter barrelleaf


    Hi, thank you for your reply.
    I’ve found the problem earlier.

    Thank you for taking the time.

    @barrelleaf Could you please tell me how did you solve this?

    @barrelleaf @faramirezs I too am having this problem/error message today – have you resolved it and how?

    I am also having this problem. WordPress/WooCommerce up-to-date. Toggled all my plugins to make sure one of them wasn’t the problem. Previously I could type a product name in the search bar and then grant permission. But it has stopped working and now I am getting this message. I tested it with different customers, different orders, and different products.



    • This reply was modified 3 years, 6 months ago by alanaffelt.

    Hi –

    according to https://www.ads-software.com/support/topic/could-not-grant-access-to-downloadable-product/ this seems to be an identified issue that had beed fixed from 5.2.1 to 5.2.2, but reappeared with 5.3.0 and is now under construction.

    Hoping for a soon fix, since I’m also affected

    @phihh Thank you so much, I have been trying to trace it down too. But nothing seems to be working.?? they fix it soon! I use this feature daily… so I too am stuck!

    @phihh Thanks for that – also hoping for a quick fix. Critical feature.

    Also having this now in the most recent version (5.4,1) of WooCommerce.

    I have found the issue:

    In this PR the WC_AJAX::grant_access_to_download method was updated to require the downloadable product to be present in the order to be able to grant permissions.

    Up until this PR was merged, any permission could be granted to any order provided the order, product, and user existed.

    But now the product has to be included in that order directly.

    This present an issue for me as I need the ability to grant permissions to users directly and bypass the need for them to buy the product. Up until recently I would put a 0.00 order through and grant the permissions (this was to keep our external ERP software happy and record it as a sale that didn’t generate revenue).

    There is a ticket (https://github.com/woocommerce/woocommerce/issues/29884) where other people are annoyed at this change.

    There is a workaround here – which is basically to add the product to the order without saving, grant the permissions, then remove the product before saving.

    This is crazy, I add downloadable products to previous orders all the time when I’m making a promotion, etc. This was only one click.

    I cannot do this dance for 300+ orders… And I cannot add products to older orders.

    • This reply was modified 3 years, 5 months ago by kisatom.

    Alto having this problem.

    same problem here, any news for an update? It’s very important for digital stores.

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