• Hi,

    Great plugin. I especially like the mass edit of Meta tags. I am using a wordpress multisite install but that should not matter. When I am in the edit page section of wordpress I attempt to make a change to the Title or Description meta… I make my changes and then hit update button and the meta data returns back to what it was before I edited it. Kinda weird. I can however make changes to the meta in the mass edit of meta tags section.

    Any ideas the site is if that helps at all.

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  • I can confirm. When clicking the update button, the new data entered into the headspace fields isn’t saved.

    In order for it to work on the Edit Post panel, I need to first empty the fields, and retype the data. Then, the Update button has an effect on saving that data.

    Same thing here. We’re running WP 3.1.3 and HeadSpace2 3.6.34.

    I have deal with this bug, using “is_protected_meta” filter.

    add_filter('is_protected_meta', 'not_protect_headspace_meta', null, 2);
    function not_protect_headspace_meta($protected, $meta_key) {
    	if (strpos($meta_key, '_headspace_', 0) === 0) {
    		return $true;
    	return $protected;

    strozw, is that your solution for this issue?

    I’m also having the same problem, I reverted back to WP 3.1.2 to solve it for now until I find a better solution.

    Having the same problem here. Where would I be adding the code above?

    I’m having the same problem as well. Cannot not edit anything for each post. I know that some code is missing in my Semiologic theme but I don’t know what that is.

    Also, when deactivating the HeadSpace2 plugin I have another problem and it’s been that way for a while now. This issue only occurs for one page. All the other pages and post are okay. I cannot open “Scree Options” or “Help” for that page. Also, I cannot edit the permalink url, site status, visibility, and publish on.

    Anyone who has a solution, I would greatly appreciate the help.

    What “swiftreal” said is true.

    In order for it to work on the Edit Post panel, I need to first empty the fields, and retype the data. Then, the Update button has an effect on saving that data.

    If you want to update metadata on posts or pages, remove the text from the title, description and keyword fields. Enter the new metadata, hit “Update” and you’re good to go.

    It’s not the best workaround, but it gets the job done.

    If you’re a little more knowledgable about coding, what “strozw” offers is a more long-term solution. Add his code to your theme. Should fix everything.

    Hopefully the makers of Headspace incorporate their own fix when they update.

    Well, emailmike1994, you certainly cleared that matter up for me. It worked! For some reason, I didn’t take heed to what swiftreal was saying. Glad you came back to reaffirm it.

    I must be on a role. I just cleared up another issue that was occurring. One of my plugins (Broken Link Checker) was the reason why I couldn’t edit anything or open Screen Option and Help links.


    What file is that filter in and what should it say to be turned off?

    EDIT: By which I mean, where am I supposed to put that code?

    Sorry forgotten.

    I added above code to “function.php”.
    Headsapce2 used protected prefix meta key that have ‘_’ prefix from ahead. And WP3.1 can’t updated protected meta key.

    So I fixed update problem with the above code.

    I’m sorry in clumsy English, I hope what I have conveyed to assist.

    Thank. Is it the functions.php in the theme I need to update?

    Yes. It must be done by yourself under your own risk.

    thx for the quick fix strozw.


    Thank you very much for the fix! Legendary

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