• scienceofspock


    I have a Gravity Forms page that is not validating on first load. it validates just fine on second load. If I disable ReCaptcha for the form, it validates. This seems like a plugin conflict, so I have installed this plugin to see if there is a conflict. I have set the site into troubleshooting mode for me, and I have enabled the required plugins to test the form, and the form works, so I start enabling more plugins, but the health check will only let me enable about 38 of them, and the form still works.

    This site is an inherited site with 65(!) installed plugins, some of which need updating, but I need to solve the form issue before anything else. I can’t check if a plugin is conflicting if I can’t enable it, so what is going on? Why can’t I enable the rest of the plugins?

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • threadi


    What’s stopping you from activating the others? Is the option grayed out, disappeared or do you do it and nothing happens?

    Thread Starter scienceofspock


    The option isn’t available in the plugins section, and the plugins are not listed under the “Enable Plugins” section of the troubleshooter. It’s like it’s just not even aware they are there, but it certainly disabled them for me.

    Edit: to be clear, the option to enable them isn’t greyed-out, there is NO option to enable the remaining plugins at all. They are just disabled.



    Sounds like a JavaScript error to me, possibly caused by one of the activated plugins. Does it matter which plugins are active? To test, deactivate the ones that might be interfering in the backend.

    Thread Starter scienceofspock


    Ok, now I need to do some work on the site, because it disabled the plugins FOR REAL, not just for me. FANTASTIC.

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