Hi @lukilker, thanks for sending your diagnostic over!
This looks quite unusual I agree as you’ve had no problem with this on previous sites, database permissions are reporting back correctly, as are communications to/from the site to our servers. I can see that all tables reporting as missing are present but also Wordfence correctly knows your table prefix so shouldn’t be missing/ignoring them.
If you’re certain this site isn’t connecting to the same database as one of the other sites on your server could you please try the Wordfence Assistant plugin to “Remove all Wordfence Data in the Database and elsewhere”? This should see whether the tables that aren’t being seen can be totally deleted before a plugin reinstall is attempted. I always recommend taking a backup of your site beforehand in case anything goes wrong.
Our remove/reset guide should help, especially if you wish to export and re-import any settings, but I appreciate on your new installation this may not be applicable: https://www.wordfence.com/help/advanced/remove-or-reset/