• I am trying to have my author comments display however even though I inserted my own wording in place of the default comments there, its still showing the default comments. I had completely removed the default comments but when I view it on the blog page again its still showing the other????

    I don’t quite understand what I need to change in the code area to UNcomment……so it shows.

    Here is what I have added, so why is it now displaying?

    <?php if ( function_exists('dynamic_sidebar') &&amp; dynamic_sidebar(‘Left Sidebar’) ) : else : ?>

    <!– Author information is disabled per default. Uncomment and fill in your details if you want to use it.

      <li class=”listHeader”><h2><?php _e(‘Author’); ?></h2>

    • <p>As a leading Spa Industry Authority, we are committed to spreading the word about the benefits of a living a healthy and holistic lifestyle to lead you on the right path to OPTIMAL health and wellness in your own life. Follow the trends in SPAS just like the paparazzi, only we like to affectionately refer to it here by our spa blog FANS as simply <b>SPAPARAZZI</b>
      Thanks for anyones help.
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  • The characters <!-- start a comment (i.e. something hidden) and --> ends a comment. That’s what needs to go.

    Thread Starter spabizgal


    well here is the thing…its not showing what you are referencing in what I have pasted above. So then why is it not displaying correctly?

    Look more carefully.

    Look at <!-- Author information is disabled per default

    You’ll see the start of the comment tag. I don’t see the end of the tag (-->), and that may be because of any of the following reasons:

    – you haven’t pasted the code properly here (you need to put code between backticks, which are the apostrophe-like things on the same key as the ~ (tilde) sign, just to the left of the “1” key) and so some things might not show

    – or maybe you didn’t copy and paste that bit of the code,

    – or perhaps you’ve already deleted the closing tag in the source code

    But certainly the start of the comment tag is in the source code that you pasted here, and that’s half of what you need to delete.

    Thread Starter spabizgal


    <div id=”column2″>
    <?php if ( function_exists(‘dynamic_sidebar’) && dynamic_sidebar(‘Left Sidebar’) ) : else : ?>
    Thanks for replying. Below is what I have in there now but NOW its showing blank under that AUTHOR area.

    I removed the <!– Author information is disabled per default and end tag –>

      <li class=”listHeader”><h2><?php _e(‘Author’); ?></h2>

    • <p>As a leading Spa Industry Authority, we are committed to spreading the word about the benefits of a living a healthy and holistic lifestyle to lead you on the right path to OPTIMAL health and wellness in your own life. Follow the trends in SPAS just like the paparazzi, only we like to affectionately refer to it here by our spa blog FANS as simply SPAPARAZZI</p>

    So I am wondering why its still now displaying?

    Thread Starter spabizgal


    I also put those tic signs right after this <p> and right before this </p> not sure why those aren’t showing above.

    I also took those out and still not showing.

    I’ve done nothing else with any of the code in sidebar1.php

    I am not able to follow you about the “ticksign”…
    ` <=== are we talking about this? And using it here in the forum? because you don’t need that in your sidebar ??

    Thread Starter spabizgal


    No I took out the <!– Author information is disabled per default and the end tag(–>)

    Its still now showing????


    Thread Starter spabizgal


    anybody have a suggestion?

    Put the code in question in a pastebin (like https://wordpress.pastebin.ca) and post a link back to here.

    Since you haven’t figured out the backtick thing, it’s really quite difficult to understand what you code looks like. The pastebin will make that easier.

    Thread Starter spabizgal


    My own AUTHOR info listed on my BLOG home page at https://www.spaparazzi.com on the top left hand side is not showing, even though I have uncommented. At least not what I have that is suppse to appear in the box below it.

    Its showing blank even though I have uncommented. As well I have 3 banners that should be displaying from CJ that are not showing in the left sidebar. I have no clue how to fix this. If someone could correct this code so it does show, I would be most grateful. Nothing I paste in will display at all.

    You can see my code for my sidebar1.php HERE


    I am trying to get this to display in the LEFT side bar which I am assuming is the sidebar1.php area.

    Not in the least PHP savvy. So any corrections one could make and re-post correct code would be appreciated so much.
    I have also posted my code for the RIGHT sidebar sidebar.php below and only becuse one could be affecting the other

    This is the code for my sidebar.php


    While my affiliate banners are showing which I think is a miracle as I know the code cannot be 100% correct here.

    Also I an concerned that its affecting affiliate banners from displaying in my left side bar sidebar1.php because nothing I post want to display there, however it does on this one.

    I would love to see my banners in this affiliate area centered all the way down and not all veering to the right, again no clue how to do this either as I am NON php savvy.

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