• Hi,

    I made a mistake while installing WordPress – once in I changed one of the domain settings (I don’t know why but it seems I duplicated the URL)and now I get this page when I try to log in:

    HTTP Error 404.0 – Not Found

    The resource you are looking for has been removed, had its name changed, or is temporarily unavailable.

    How do I get into my WordPress account so that I can rectify it?

    My website address is https://www.traceymcdonald.com


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  • Your website seems to be working fine.

    If it does not come up it means your IP address could be blocked. Ask your webhosting provider to unblock your IP for your site. Sometimes they block IPs for security reasons.

    Check your IP address here https://www.whatismyip.com and give it to your webhost.

    Moderator t-p


    -404 indicates failure to communicate with the server.
    – it could be configuration issue
    – it could be memory issue
    – it could be permalinks issue, review this: How to fix 404 error when using Pretty Permalinks?
    – it could be optimization issue
    – it could be a conflict with plugin: try resetting the plugin folder – it could be a conflict with theme: try switching to the default theme for a moment via FTP and see if that resolves the issue.
    – check for .htaccess file presence and check if the default wordpress mod-rewrite code is there or not. There are times when .htaccess file is not writeable or gotten deleted
    – Check the server error log for your hosting account. Ask your hosting provider for assistance to locate them.

    If you feel comfortable, open wp-config.php and enter the following directly above the line that reads :

    /* That's all, stop editing! Happy blogging. */



    This should give you access to https://www.traceymcdonald.com/wp-login.php. From there you can change the domain to the proper URL. Afterwards, you should delete the line you added above from wp-config.php.

    Hope that helps.

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